Wow, it's
FREEZING here. I think the temp this morning was 15, with a wind chill of 4! (THANK YOU Zane for taking Josh to work while Eileen and I cuddled in the warm house!). Even Gracie wants nothing to do with going outside.
I'm sitting here making the most of my last couple of weeks before I go back to work. I've got the Christmas music playing and the fire going (yes, I'll hate life when I get that bill. but like I said, it's
FREEZING). I'm working on the holiday letter, but wanted to take a quick break to post a little note. I'm thinking I've got another hour before Eileen wakes up.
Hit the gym this morning (yay! I'm down another jeans size!) and the Aunt Sissy came over and brought lunch. Eileen was somewhat awake when she got here, so at least Aunt Sissy got to see her a little bit!

The week has flown by. Doctors and dentist appointments for Josh and I. One night Josh & his boss took a client to the UT basketball game; the Vols beat University of Memphis. Never in my lifetime did I think THAT would happen! Running errands, going to the gym. Just everyday stuff, but going by at mach speed.
I love Christmas. Always have. Decorations & lights, re-connecting with friends and family, the songs & movies... all of it. Love it even more now that Eileen is here. It's like I get to relive being a kid - doing all the fun stuff with her (OK, so she's only 11 weeks old right now, but
We're hoping to go see some Christmas lights this weekend. But since Eileen gets mad after more than 15 minutes in the car, I really don't know how successful THAT little venture will be. Also hoping to go walk around downtown to see the ice skating rink and all the holiday decorations. Of course, if it stays this cold, well.. I just don't know! And at some point we'll make some holiday cookies and maybe sausage balls. YUM. (and there goes that jean size mentioned earlier!).

I haven't had to deal with any shopping madness. This year we just aren't doing gifts for anyone. Hope that doesn't sound terribly Grinch-y! With a new baby, and me on unpaid maternity leave, well.. it's either the mortgage payment or gifts! We are buying for the angels on the church tree- for that we will make room in our budget. Really, it makes us see how blessed we are. Neither Josh nor I NEED anything.. there's a laundry list of things we want... but certainly nothing we can't live without. Eileen has loads of clothes and toys; she certainly doesn't need anything (and of course she's far to young to realize that Santa is out there!). And our families are healthy and happy. What more can was ask for?
And it's Uncle David's bday tomorrow! We'll go visit him and bring him a little birthday treat. And Angela & Jason are coming in from Memphis; can't wait for them to get to meet Eileen.
Not much else to tell. Glad it's Friday. We're cozying up tonight with pizza, wine, and
Christmas Vacation (we certainly can't let the season pass without watchig it at least one time!).
Hope you all have a happy weekend! Be nice... Santa's watching.