weight = 12 lbs
length= 23 inches
age = 6wks, 3 days.
Just over two weeks ago, she only weighed 10 lbs and was 21.5 inches. I've no idea what the normal rate of weight/height gain is, but she certainly seems to be growing at a fast pace!
(oh, and if you're wondering, the high tech methods were a tape measure, and Josh on the scale WITH Eileen and without. See, those college educations paid off!)

Last night we attempted to go to dinner at Aunt Sissy's house with some friends. We learned that we need to have earlier nights out when little Missy goes with us! We got there a bit late - it still takes us a while to get ourselves out the door. Right around 9pm, Eileen got hungry. I figured I'd just go upstairs and feed her, and that then she'd fall asleep just like she does at home. WRONG.
I don't know if it was just b.c she was super tired, or if it was b.c she wasn't in her normal surroundings, but she would NOT eat. Nor would she stop screaming. She was just so upset- we've never seen her that way. It was just heartbreaking. At that point we knew it was time to head home (which certainly bummed me out- I was SO having fun with the other adults). She cried most of the way home, and as soon as we got here she was just fine. Ate a large meal and then slept for 6 hours.

On the one hand- we were thrilled she was OK and that she slept for so long. On the other hand, perhaps I need to visit more people and make a point to feed her in different surroundings. And we're making progress with the bottle too, which will help. Slowly but surely we're figuring these things out.
She's definitely interacting with us now.. note the smile above! Josh took some videos today of her with his phone, and captured more smiles. If I can figure out how to load those up, I will get them on here for all to see!
In the meantime, here's a link to some new pics.. note there are two recent albums, both dated 11/5.. enjoy!

look how SWEET she looks!! :) precious. sorry miss eileen didn't cooperate on friday night. at least you made the attempt. she'll get more used to things, i'm sure. can't wait to check out the pics when i get a spare minute. things have been so crazy lately. hugs!
Eileen looks like such a sweet-y! Love the pictures. Gracie looks like she's hanging in there. :-) Johanna
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