Thursday, September 28, 2006


Of all weeks, the day after we got home from the hospital with the newest family member, our computer died. After a couple of days getting a new hard drive and new operating system, we're back in touch with the world!

It's late, so I'm not going to write much now. Just wanted to say hi to all and let you knwo that we have NOT fallen off the face of the Earth.

Eileen was born a week ago today. Sept 21, at 6:22pm. She was 8lb 8oz, 20.5 inches long. We love every inch of her! We're all doing well. Not much sleep at night, but that's to be expected I guess! My mom has been here a week and will stay with us thru the end of next week, thank God. I don't even have any pictures to post right now bc without a computer, I haven't been able to get the pics uploaded!

I plan to spend time tomorrow getting some pictures out, responding to a load of emails, and updating the blog! I'll get some pics on here as well.

Thanks for all of your well wishes. So glad to be back on line!