Ok, it's actually only March. But it is very summer-like here right now. and I love every. minute. of. it.
Yesterday (Friday) I took Josh to work, and Eileen to school, and then, I took the day off! There was a slight tinge of guilt for sending Eileen to school when I was out having a play day. But then again, we have to pay for it anyway.. and she loves it there.. and well, it is easier to get some stuff done when I am alone.
So I went to the grocery store- where I stocked up on some Stage 2 baby food. The main difference between that and Stage 1 is that the Stage 2 is a little thicker. But loads more variety of food for little lady in Satge 2! We got Apples & Cherries, Sweet Potatoes & Corn, mixed veggies. I even got some chicken & rice.. which I'm really not so sure about but I guess we'll see.

Then I went to get Eileen. She had her 6month check up.

Then Aunt Jaime and Uncle Steve came to town. A grumpy and tired Eileen (missed her afternoon nap AND had shots - not a happy camper!) was already in bed. But they got to play with her a lot this morning. She was in a great mood and was enamored with Steve.
I went for a run outside today. First of all, I don't think I have run outside since fall of 2005. All of last year I was pregnant and didn't run! It felt great. Treadmills are fine and certainly have been helping me lose weight.. but outside running is just niiiiiiiiiice. Of course now, about 10 hours later.. I am aching.
Well that could also be from the yardwork we did! yardwork! again - I didn't get to do that last summer.. and I missed it! Josh did the first mow of the season on Friday night. OK, so it was all WEEDS. but still - love that smell.. and the yard looked great. Today he and I went to Lowes (oh my - what a nuthouse!) and got mulch. We cleaned out the flower beds and put down nice fresh black mulch. I left my pansies in the ground for now.. they look great, and it's still too early to plant summer flowers. While we planted, Eileen hung out in her exersaucer. She loves to be outside! She just hung out and entertained herself while we played in the dirt. Don't you love her new sun-hat?!
Oh, and Gracie got a bath. Isn't she SO GOOD at making herself look so pathetic? She's so spoiled. Now she smells good and looks soo pretty.
After church we hung out on the back deck. Eileen did eat some of her sweet potatoes & corn.. but as you can see... I think she wore just as much. She really is like a 24/7 comedy act. We have so much fun hanging out with her.
Whew. All that and it's just Saturday. Tomorrow is supposed to be just as gorgeous. and you can bet I will find at least 30 minutes to get some sun on my legs. It is skirt weather and I need some color. :)
Well, I guess that's about it. Happy weekend.