We had yet another busy, but fun, weekend. Saturday morning we went to the pancake breakfast with Santa at Church. Obviously, this was much more for Mommy and Daddy's enjoyment than for Eileen's. We got her picture made with him - as soon as I get it back from the Men's Club I'll post it.
And future boyfriend Miles was also there. He's 13 mos older than Eileen and it is so fun to watch him run around. He loved the blueberry pancakes. He's like a little man. And I love that Momma Nicole gets to learn it all first and then teach me. :)
Then we headed straight to pick iout a Christmas Tree. Definitely a different process this year. Always in the past I've made Josh pull out at least 5-6 trees for me to inspect before I make a choice. This year, I found the Fraser Firs, went to the 6-7 foot section, and picked the first one he held up. Seems like 90% of what we do is on 'borrowed time' - meaning Eileen is in a good mood but I know at any moment she's going to get raging hungry and start screaming like a banshee. Clearly she's inherited my level (or not) of patience. We got the tree and made it home just as the crying began. Whew.
Sunday we ventured into the world of formula. Time to start letting her have that to eat so when she goes to daycare she won't freak out on those poor souls taking care of her! and, it will certainly be nice to be able to feed her when we're out and about and not have to accomplish all chores/errands, etc in three hour windows. Also hoping when we get to evening feedings of formula that she'll sleep thru the night. Although- on Friday night she slept from 8:30pm until 6:45am. We couldn't believe it. That's like normal people sleep patterns. YES! Anyway.. she didn't
love the formula on Sunday, but

Loving the cold weather. OK- not really loving the weather- but really loving the outfits I get to put on Eileen. Fuzzy pajamas that make her look like Elmo. Precious Winnie the Pooh sweaters with ears on the hoods (you can sort of see it in one of these outfits). Adorable little velour hoodies and pants. I could eat her up.
OK.. enough rambling... I must get some very late Thank You notes written... get started on a holiday letter .. finish the laundry.. read today's paper (even tho it's 9pm)... go find Josh.. he recently left the room to go make a Gingerbread House.. that makes me nervous!

Oh you've got to post a pic of Josh's gingerbread house!! :)
You're right, winter clothes are the best for babies. I could eat her for breakfast. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter.
Miles had fun seeing Eileen too! If only they knew of the plotting-of-future-social-lives their mommies do.
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