You know what this machine is!
Oh yes folks, it is a
food dehydrator.

We got it as a wedding present, three and a half years ago. I really was thinking that Josh had forgotten about it, as it was tucked away in a corner of the garage. Every now and again, he gets on a kick and says he's going to make beef jerky. I never believe him, b.c he's never actually done it.
I come downstairs last night after bathing, playing, feeding (oh, and drugging) Eileen. I smell this
smell. I was thinking, what
is that?? Is someone grilling out and the smell has entered our house (even tho all the windows are shut)? As I come further down the stairs, the smell is stronger and stronger. At first it was sort of an OK smell. And then it was just overpowering. And then I made my way into the kitchen. And there it is. The machine had made its way into the house, and was humming away. And
permeating the whole house with this very-sweet-very-spicy-very-
beef-y scent.
Now, keep in mind- I had cleaned the whole house earlier. Everything smelled nice and citrus-y (thanks to citrus febreeze, wet swiffer, and plegde!). Nothing beats a nice fresh house on a relaxing Sunday evening. Only now I had a nice, powerfully beef jerky-ish house.
"Mmmmmm... honey? So, how long does this thing stay on?" WRONG question. Who wants to take a guess at the answer? How about
six to eight hours. As in, we're going to go to sleep with that thing on and it will really make its way into every nook and cranny of our house. I oh so sweetly replied with, "Hmm. Oh wow. OK, well.. how about next time you decide to do this little activity, do it in the garage or the back deck?" I think I should get an award for how I managed to contain myself and let dear hubby enjoy his activity.
You know when you go to a place that is all smoky? and when you come out you feel like you just reek? (especially if you're a girl with long hair). Yeah. I swear that this morning at the gym when I was sweating it smelled like beef jerky. I swear that even now after a shower and a heavy dose of perfume, I smell like beef jerky.
So, not only did he make beef jerky, he made it insanely hot. Want to know what he put in it?
1) crushed red pepper
2) tobasco
(an ode to Wayne)
3) black pepper
4) whatever spcices were in the little packet that came with it
Yeah, I won't be touching that with a 10-foot pole.
In his defense, he really had no idea it would smell so strongly. And he
did say that he wants to try to do pineapple next. Now
that I may allow to be done inside, b.c that will actually probably smell really good.
Ya gotta love Josh. He's just such a big kid, he really had fun with this. But ewwwwww.
Moving on.. I know you're really only reading this for updates on Eileen. We had one of those weekends where we just didn't stop. She is a trouper and just goes with the flow. By Sunday afternoon tho she was over it and just sort of fussy. We were supposed to go to her friend's first bday party! I was pumped to go b.c I was excited about the first little buddy party. But we ended up not going, I don't think Eileen would have been much fun!
Josh got the gate installed and the 'banister guard' attached. Now Eileen can crawl around the entire 2nd floor, and she
loves it. She's hilarious. I will take her up to her room, put her down. She'll sit there for a minute and look around, and then she bolts. She heads straight to the bonus room. Yep, she knows her toys are there!
Last night I 'tested' the Baby Benadryl. Gave it to her at 7:40 last night and this morning she was still a little groggy. And that was just from 1/4 teaspoon! So, I won't give it to her on the plane unless she's really having a hard time.
Sorry I don't have many pictures of her to post. We were so busy we didn't take many. I'll take some this week!