The girl grabs at
everything! Grandpa and Beanie were here over the weekend. We went to dinner on Saturday night... ordered the Seared Ahi Tuna for an appetizer.. the waitress put it on the table and in a split second little Missy had smashed her pudgy little hand right into that green blob of wasabi! Luckily I have developed Super Fast Mommy Reflexes and I was able to grab her before she stuck her fingers in her mouth (and Beanie has the super fast Nana reflexes b.c she handed me a water-soaked napkin within .2 seconds!). That little crisis was averted. The rest of the meal was spent with the adults cowering over their food and drinks at one end of the booth while Eileen stretched and stretched to get at anything on that table! She almost has success with Granpa's Manhattan, but we got that away from her as well. Our poor waitress got a lesson in serving patrons with toddlers. Despite the acrobatic antics of Eileen, she was
insanely well-behaved. She hadn't even had her afternoon nap, yet she was good as gold. Just hung out and took in all the action. Oh, and she attempted to eat the crayons and coloring page supplied to her by the hostess (see picture 3rd down).

Before our little dinner adventure..we had plenty of other activities! Aunt Sissy and Uncle David were babysitting Caroline and Jackson for the weekend. Jackson is 8 weeks younger than Eileen, yet he weighs three pounds more
and he's crawling! Eileen is almost there, but not yet. She had a blast playing in his
pimped out exersaucer, and she also had a blast smacking at him when he was in it. I think she thinks other babies are like her baby doll at home (which she constanly smacks and pokes in the eye!) I wonder if she does that to her buddies at school? Anyway, Jackson was a real man and ignored her smacks (OK, they weren't smacks.. more like those little love pats babies do). I see she and Jackson being great pals!

She spent lots of time hanging out with Granpa and Beanie. She always has fun with them. She's fascinated by Grandpa. She just stares at him and then giggles!
She did
not sleep well the latter part of last week or over the weekend. Ever since that doctor's appt she's been out of whack. We tried to let her cry it out both Friday and Saturday- but she was screaming bloody murder. Afetr 15 minutes on Saturday (this was after she'd been so
good at the restaraunt!) I went up to get her. Poor girl was literally sweating bc she'd worked herself into such a tizzy. After several attempts at getting her to calm down and sleep in her crib, one set of exhausted parents gave in and brouhgt her to bed with us. I think she was just overtired. Even in our bed she had a hard time calming down. Once she did, she slept fine. By Sunday night she did a little better, and last night- one little wake-up at midnight, and other than that she was out for the night. Fingers crossed we're back on the road to the good sleep patterns she usually has!
She seems to be adjusting to her new class - finally. Yesterday and today when we dropped her off, there were no tears. She actually reached for Miss Mary. So that's certainly comforting.

Got this picrure of she and Daddy yesterday morning.. she's giving him a big hug. How cute is that?! Every day we think we can't love her any more and every day our hearts just about explode as they get bigger and bigger to make room for more love. You could just eat her up!
Looking forward to a (hopefully) quiet week and weekend. Then next week it's July 4 (I can't
believe it's already about to be July 4!)
new pics at