Well folks. It has happened. already I have worn out the Motherly Toned "one...Two.. THREE.."
Tonight Miss Sassy Pants was refusing to come near me so I could give her her medicine. (in her defense.. it does taste really icky). So I put on the Mom Face... and said firmly "one..." and then. she looked at me. cocked that little head. and said, in an already apparent Southern Drawl.. 'twooooo...' and I, of course, cracked up. I mean, honestly! How is one supposed to be a firm parent when children are so hilarious?
Sissy came over after work to entertain Eileen while i did laundry and dishwasher and got dinner ready. We all took a quick walk around the neighborhood.. it was either that or have Gracie implode from wanting to enjoy the perfect Fall Day. So Sissy and I were walking and Eileen on her Big Wheel (Disney Princess Themed, of course). It should be noted she has gotten quite speedy on that big wheel! Steering and remembering to look for cars.. well those areas need some work. So anyway, she's pedaling along. Stop. Stands up. and Toots. and cracks herself up so much she's doubled over in laughter. Sissy was horrified. and I, mother of the year and clearly the Queen of Little Girl Etiquette, cracked up right along with Eileen. Way to encourage such behavior. She'll make a great Frat Boy someday.
As you have probably deduced from these pictures, the Field Trip to the PumpkinPatch was earlier this week. Wowo. How those teachers deal with a roomfull of three year olds is beyond me. They are some strong women! But oh we had a blast. We got to school and they loaded the car seats onto the school bus. Then we had the caravan of SUV's and minivans following the bus out to the Land of Pumpkins. Oh - and it just so happened that Eileen and BFF Syd had on the same shirt, only adding to the cuteness. They are clearly an exclusive club. So we get there and this man greets us. And he's like a frightening Halloween Creepy Santa Claus. Hes tall and has a long white beard and a big belly. It does not help that he has a red shirt on. But i'm not sure he had all his teeth. And he starts out by showing this mob of 3 year olds some leaves and berries. And then tells them NOT to eat them. because they are poison. I'm like "what the hell??? is this man insane? has he never MET a 3year old?" because you know - as soon as they hear not to do something, their little brains start scheming on how to do this thing they are not supposed to do. Good LORD man stop talking.
When it was time to get on the hayride, which thankfully did NOT actually include hay.. Eileen was scared. She didn't want to get on the trailer. So Syd looks at her - and I am so NOT making this up- says "c'mon eileen! what is your problem?" hil-a-ri-ous. Syd's mom and I died. so funny. and hey.. it worked. Eileen stopped being a fraidy cat and hopped right up there. Three cheers for Toddler Peer Pressure!!
We fed some goats.. I am fairly certain Eileen attempted to kiss one. oh yay. We then traveled to a pumpkin patch. Where the kids were told not to go past the pink ribbon. So who wants to guess at what to blond girls in matching tee-shirts took off straight for that ribbon? I'd already run 6miles before this field trip, and I easily covered another couple while chasing the Little People. And then they took us toa corn maze. At which point I thought surely we were on Candid Camera. Who in the world turns loose all these short people in super tall corn?!? (and yes, it did occurr to me that I was living out my very own version of "Children of the Corn.") Thankfully.. it wasn't so much a maze, as it was a curvy path. We got behind a slower little girl and her grandmother. Her grandmother who pointed out every.single.ear.of.corn to the little girl. This was after we'd been there two hours, and were hungry, thirsty and a little bit over the farm.
Evidently Eileen and Mateyah were also a little ready to move on.. the two of them suddenly just ran full speed in front of the woman. The woman who did not seem phased that these two just took off on their own into the corn. The woman who did not move to the side to at least let me and Mateyah's mommy by to chase after them. The woman who clearly is one of those Stupid People who is let out of her house every so often. (Ok, that was mean. but really?!?! ) So after what seemed like a lifetime, but was probably just a couple of seconds, we gave up on attempting niceties and just ran right past the woman and hoped we didn't knock her over. And there were Eileen and Mateyah just happily leading the group through the corn. Ohhh Heaven Help me.
Anyway. the last stop was an apple orchard. with old apples on the ground. that the kids wanted to eat. at this point i didn't have much argument left in me and didn't really fight any kiddos taking bites. no one fell over, so no harm done.
And so that was it. It was a blast. So hilarious to see all the kids interact. And it was fun to get to hang out with some of the other parents.
And lastly, we have the photo of the day.. the one where i looked at Eileen and said "Smile for Mommy..." and here's what I got:
A friend of mine offered me his season tickets for the weekend.. as he couldn't use them bc he had to go out of town.
I haven't been to a game since before Eileen was born.. so it has obviously been at least three years! I was totally stoked. And it turned out a boatload of old friends happened to be in town for it. .making it even better.
Sissy went with me.. even tho I think Josh really did want to go (but now he's going to U2 tomorrow in Atlanta.. so don't feel too sorry for him!). Sissy and I rarely do anything with just us these days.. and we had a ton of fun. We ate lunch and then headed to the Strip. Where all at once you feel insanely old, and wonder how on earth these 18 year old girls all look like super models. I mean.. I think I was fairly cute in college. But I mean holy hannah these girls are all gorgeous. I don't get it. Frightening to think of Eileen in a few years...
There is something so comforting about seeing old friends. People who you don't get to see very much anymore.. and barely keep in touch with (except via status updates on Facebook...).. but you see each other and it is as if no time has passed. It is hard to explain.. and I know there are only a handful of such people who come along in life.. and I know enough to be extremely grateful to have such friends. The girls in this picture are some of those people. Oh the stories we have (well.. the ones we can remember anyway..)
And the girls in this picture are also the sort that you can go months and years without seeing.. and poof! its like you're all back in college together. Kids and marriages and jobs and all that sometimes not so fun adult stuff.. but it is so very easy to just 'be' with these friends. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon.. Coors Light helps too. :)
There is, of course, the matter of the actual football game. I mean sh*t. I think Eileen could complete more passes than our QB. It was unreal to be in that stadium and watch your home team look as if a PeeWee team could beat them. I bleed orange. I am no fair-weather fan (lets remember I am also a Sox fan.. I know disappointment)... but for as much money is pumped into this football program.. and as faithful as these fans are... and the fact that our facilicities outshine those of NFL teams.. there is just no excuse for the level of play being executed by this 2009 team. SOO frustrating. but nonetheless.. it was great to be back in the Stadium and with old friends.
Josh heads to Atlanta tomorrow with one of his friends to go see U2. Wow. that will be an amazing show! but before he goes.. we'll be heading to the pumpkin patch with Eileen's class. I can't not WAIT to see all thsoe kids and their car seats loaded onto the bus. I think I might be more excited about that than the trip to the pumpkin patch. :)
On Saturday she didn't want to put on her Tennesee Cheerleader outfit (maybe she knows how bad they are?). I kept bribing her.. "I'll give you a cookie if you put it on.. we can go to daddy's work if you put it on..." nothing was working. Eventually I just wrestled it on her. She was not happy with Mommy! But she got over it and looked too cute in her turtleneck and TN dress. (These pics are from a few weeks ago.. when it was still warm.) Check out her face in the picture here.. do you SEE the smart-aleck look?? oh that girl.
Miss Denee came over for a little while on Saturday. She brought Eileen a birthday present.. a purse. And OMG.. Eileen has not let it out of her SIGHT! today, when I picked her up from school.. she ran up to say hi. Then ran over to her cubby. Then put on her sunglasses. and her purse. and marched on over.. ready to go. I cracked up. She's so girly.. and so not. I love it. She's so me.
I got my Team Fox shirt today! yay. Less than one month to go til the Marathon. I can't believe it. I feel like this year's training has flown by. I'll run again with Team Fox.. so if you're reading.. I still have about $1000 to raise. So please please give if you can.. it's a tax write off and for a good cause! go to http://www.teamfox.org/ and search me. (tip: use the married name...)
I'll be braving having a yard sale in two weeks.. all proceeds going to Team Fox. I've never had a yard sale.. THAT should make for an interesting blog...
OK. its time for bed. Have a good week..