She laughed!
Eileen laughed for the first time on Saturday night. Words really can't describe how utterly amazing it sounded. She has done it a couple of times since, it's just cool.
She's finding her hands, sometimes she just stares at them. And she'll stare at Mommy and Daddy's hands too. Oh, and she LOVES the Christmas tree. She'd be content to stare at those lights all day long.
We had a fun weekend. Made it downtown to see the ice skaters. And we found a little stand selling funnel cakes.. I swear I smelled it before I saw it. I loooove funnel cakes. That and hot chocolate was just a fun way to get in the holiday spirit.
I've been getting holiday cards over the past few days. Love getting pictures of everyone's kids - love seeing how much they look like their parents! Tuesday I got a card from my college roomate; her daughter is about 6 years old now. Spitting image of her. And then today I got one from a good friend in NYC.. not only does her daughter look JUST LIKE HER, she also could be a J.Crew model. I am waiting for my Shutterfly order to get here so I can get my cards addressed and in the mail! Usually I am way on top of the cards... this year, well, I have one heck of an excuse.
We got Eileen her BUMBO chair yesterday. She's not quite ready for it.. she needs to be able to hold her head up completely,... just about there. This chair (I have NO clue why it's called a bumbo) is just this sturdy foam thing. It props her up, lets her learn how to sit up. You can see it in the picture here where she's in front of the tree (in her adorable hat from Beanie!). She likes it.. sitting is a whole new phenomenon for her.

She's getting better at tummy time. She holds her head up for long stretches of time. It's amazing the changes we see in just a few weeks.
Josh is heading to Birmingham tomorrow for a day trip. I'm heading to my department Holiday Bowling event. Then it'll be just about time for another weekend.
I head back to work in just over two weeks. I'm looking forward to it- but will miss the Little Lady so much. I'm trying to make my brain get back to work mode. I feel like my head is mush!

Not much else going on... I'll catch up with you all later!