in the last 10 days...
-first babysitter
-first time out for mommy & daddy in
seven months
-first suprise birthday party for Aunt Sissy
-first Bubbles!
Aunt Sissy hit the big three-oh this year. Dear Uncle David has been planning this party- this event of the year!- since February. For those of you who don't know Uncle David - he is
not one to keep secrets, and he as a touch of OCD. :) The fact that he pulled off this party and managed to not tell Shannon himself is just a miracle. He did a fantastic job.

Of course going to the party meant we forayed into the world of babysitters! To tell you the truth, I wasn't really too concerned about leaving Eileen with someone. I was more concerned with finding someone who didn't mind a big furry dog who wants to sit in your lap and lick you all night. :) Turns out there was just such a find at Daddy's work.. Miss Catherine loves babies and doesn't mind dogs! (Her dog even goes to daycamp with Gracie!). So she came over and hung out with Eileen while Mommy and Daddy partied it up. Eileen did great! Well, I think she gave Miss Catherine a run for her money when it was bedtime, but we're hoping it wasn't too bad and that Miss Catherine will come back sometime!

Back to the party.. David rented this amazing loft space downtown.. fully furnished.. gorgeous.. and plenty big. It was catered and he'd hired a bartender! There was quite the crowd - including my four parents and David's partents too! There were college friends, work friends, and Shannon's best friend came in from Memphis. One of our friends even came back from FLORIDA a day early to make the party. My mom sent him some pictures of Aunt Sissy when she was little- all of which David had blown up to poster size and were all over the apartment. Very funny. Turns out Aunt Sissy wasn't
completely surprised- she'd figured out something was going on- but she didn't know where or when. And she didn't know all of the parents were coming. So it turned out all good and we all had a blast! After seven months of home life.. I was thrilled to put on a dress (and it
fit!) and fun makeup and have a cocktail or four!
And here we are with the bubbles. I bought some of the lavender baby bath (which is supposed to help babies sleep thru the night. yeah, right. but it's the Tar-jay brand so it's cheap and it does smell good!). It makes super fun bubbles! Eileen just sticks her hand in them and then stares. She can't figure out why there is something on her hand but then when she tries to touch it it just disappears. I blow them at her and she just squeals. (Gracie likes that part too. She attempts to
bite the clumps of bubbles). And as you can see, Eileen is a fan of the bubble wig I made her. She really does love the tub! And already she's starting to get to big for that seat. I predict in another month she'll be sitting in the real tub!
Oh- and her top teeth are coming in! She's been drooling like a fool for a week. Earlier this week she was upside down and laughing, and there ya go! The front teeth starting to show through! She already doesn't really look like a baby now.. but when those two teeth come in.. she will
really have lost that baby baby look.
Anyway.. check
www.eileenloebner.shutterfly.com for more recent pics.
Happy Thursday!