So, where were we?

alking about the trip!
The second day was the actual wedding. It was a blast. Kim & Bill had it in their (gorgeous) back yard. Tents, bonfires, horseshoes, live band, and barbeque! oh, and of course the nuptials. We were all dressed up for the ceremony, and within 5minutes of it being over, I was in a t-shirt and shorts and so was Eileen! It would have been nice hawod I remembered the fact that I would need to be in a family picture.. but that would have been far too much brain power. So there's Erin The Southern Cousin in her t-shirt and shorts. Good thing Bill loves me! :)
It was hot but breezy. We all just hung out and played in the backyard. Couldn't have been more perfect. All the kids had a blast running around. The adults had a blast chowing down and having a beer or two. We did not stay for the bonfire (I was bummed about that!). Eileen did great, but by 6ish she was hot and worn out, so we headed back to the hotel. But she did manage to consume a corn muffin and a piece of wedding cake. She likes her carbs!

Sunday was fantastic. Everyone was heading out of NH. Josh, Granndpa, Beanie, Eileen and I drove back to Boston. We spent the day walking around Quincy Market and Fanueil Hall. I love love love that part of Boston. I haven't been there in several years. I remember going there so many summers as a kid when we'd go to Aunt Sharon & Uncle Ron's. We ate some fried clams (well, not Josh, but the rest of us did). There really is no place that can serve up fried clams like Boston. I was in Heaven. Then we walked around. I was on the hunt for Baby Red Sox gear. We found a great vendor and dropped a load of cash there. We really shouldn't have, but how often do we get to hang out in Boston?! Josh got a new cap & a Green Monstah t-shirt, Eileen and I got
matching Sox caps, and we both got a t-shirt. (ahem. and now it's also time to get the Tennessee cheerleader outfit!).
Then we made our way over to Aunt Sharon & Uncle Ron's condo. They've lived there as long as I can remember and it's just
cool. They are the reason I always wanted to live in the big city (tho I ended up in NYC and not Boston, it was still b.c of them!). Their windows on one side look into the heart of downtown Boston, and on the other side they look into the Harbor. And for years they looked over the Big Dig, which now is amazingly almost finished and actually seems to have turned out quite well. We hung outr at their pool for a while.
And Eileen got to ride on a swing for the first time ever. And she LOVED it. She just squealed and giggled and couldn't get enough. She just gets cuter and more fun every day.

And then we headed back to the hotel in Boston and crashed. She did even better on the plane trips back home- slept all the way through both flights. After 3days of running around, I think she was beat. But she was just insanely good
the whole time.It was great to see the family. It was great to get to hang out in Boston. We definitely came away with some great memories!