We had a fun weekend!
Can't say we did anything mind-blowing.. we just ran errands and hung out. But somehow it was one of those weekends that seemed to last longer than 2 days, and we didn't have to be anywhere at any time, and we got to just play with Eileen. And now it's a 2day week for us! We are just working today and tomorrow, and we're off Wed for the 4th.. and then we took of Th/Fr. So a niiiiiiiiiice 5day weekend lies ahead.
Two things of note:
1) she laughs her butt off when I tell her "NO!" and point at her. Obviously she doesn't know right from wrong and doesn't do anything truly bad (yet!). We went to eat on Saturday night and she kept throwing the (cardboard) coasters on the floor. So I would try to tell her no (I want her to learn it!) and for whatever reason, it just cracked her up. Which then of course made me laugh, which will get me nowhere in trying to be firm with her!
2) we discovered what an impact something as minor as a new pair of 'big girl' pjs can make. She's far outgrown her sleepsack, she's just too long. So then we had her just sleeping in her little white (redneck!) onesies. But then she'd sometimes be a little chilly in that. So we decided to get her some lightweight pjs. The first shock was that I had to move to the toddler section at Babies R Us. I am used to looking in the baby section, but most of those clothes stop at 9mos. There is some 12mos stuff there, but most of that is actually too small for her. So it was somewhat shocking to be in the 'old' section of clothes. So I found a very cute little Carters set for $10, a little tee-shirt and leggings. When we put them on her that night, for whatever reason, she suddenly looked so much older. I don't know why those clothes had that effect! Weird, huh? 

Oh, and while at Babies R Us, I found the pink camo. I can't find a picture of it online, but Josh is in love with it. It doesn't look as bad as it sounds, it's actually pretty cute. We got a load of coupons, so when those go into effect we'll go back and outfit her!

We also got her this cool mat. We put it together and part of it is on the back deck and the other part is upstairs. Love having it outside so she can scoot around on the deck and not get splinters!
Not too too much else to tell. Happy 4th!