-sleeping until 7:45am is considered sleeping very late (which is what Eileen and I did on Sunday morning)
-going to bed past 10pm is considered very late (which is what Josh and I did on Saturday night)
-you actually CHOOSE to get up at 5:45am -even when you don't have to go to work- just so you can actually read the paper and skim some emails before the day has flashed by and it's time for bed!
I'm sure there are a 1000 more things I could write, and another 1000 I will discover in the coming weeks and years. It's worth it tho! So many things to write about. I don't even know where to begin.
We had a great weekend. Eileen was a charmer the whole time (except when we put this bow in her hair, as evidenced in these pictures!). She really wanted nothing to do with such girliness. She did tolerate the gorgeous monogrammed dress tho (love it Amie!) - she looked all snazzy for church.
Speaking of, she behaved so well at Mass, she just sat in my lap and hung out. We sit up front, so when it's time for communion we have prime seats for people watching (ahem. I mean praying). Eileen was fascinated. She was mesmerized watching all the people walk by. I swear, she was critiquing what they were wearing. Like Mother like Daughter. ;)
In true Hybrid Family Fashion, after Mass on Saturday evening- an Advent service at that - we went home to celebrate Hannukah and have some yummy Jewish food! Josh made falafel (Ok, that one may be just Middle Eastern), knishes, and Apple Fritters. That's probably more fried food in one night than we eat all year - but oh, it was sooo good. Especially the fritters.
We finally finished the Christmas cards (keep an eye out in your mailboxes)! I love them. (of course, as soon as I got Raven's card - a masterpiece- I wanted to redo my own!) Now I just have some thank you notes to finish up. I finished getting Eileen's paperwork ready for school. She starts two weeks from today. Crazy.
She'll be 13 weeks on Thursday. So when she starts school she'll be just about 15 weeks. I remmeber our friends telling us if we could make it thru the first 12 weeks, we'd be in good shape. So True. She's sleeping thru the night now. Has been for about a week. She's still in her bassinet in our room- but this weekend we'll start the transition to her crib upstairs. It will be strange not to have her right next to me. But it seems like getting her in her crib before she starts school would be a good thing, no? She seems to have outgrown her 'fussy' period. For weeks, between 5p-9p, she would just be so fussy. Nothing we'd do would calm her down. But within the past 2 weeks or so, that seems to have just gone away. She's generally just happy. And that of course makes us happy!
Aunt Sissy is off work this week, hopefully we'll get to hang out a lot. Looking forward to that!
I guess I have covered all the news of late. Happy Tuesday.