We had a great long weekend!
We had friends over on Saturday. Grilled ribs (beef & pork!), chicken, burgers, and hot dogs. And veggies too. Really, it's tough to top cooking and eating outside. The kids ran around the back yard with the sprinkler going and the adults had a cocktail or ten.

And on Monday we went to the pool! there are more pictures in the post below. She LOVED it. Had a blast. She was a star in her little bikini and matching sun hat. We bought her a float, but she wasn't really a fan.. I don't think she's quite big enough for it yet. But she was more than happy for Josh or I to spin her around or bounce her up and down. I can't wait to go back!
We had awesome weather all weekend. I know we so need the rain.. but it was great to have perfect weather on a holiday weekend. Even tho it's still May and our yard is already turning brown. We water the flowers.. but so far we haven't been watering the yard. That would get quite expensive. I'll do my rain dance, but only for rain in the middle of the week. :)
See the one below for more pictures!