I knew it would be hectic, since four of my colleagues were out on vacation or business travel, so of course I am covering for all, but I really had no clue how truly insane it would be. I can't WAIT for them to be back next week!
On Monday, it seemed all hell was breaking loose at work. People calling in sick, last minute requests for shoots, getting ready for a massive shoot on Tuesday. And in the middle of all that, Nana Janet (who was at our house with Eileen) called me to say she was throwing up and had a fever! There was no way I could leave the office so I called Josh, basically gave him no choice, and told him he had to get home and work from home and entertain Eileen and keep her away from Nana! Poor Nana was in bed all day and completely missed out on her last day with Eileen.

Tuesday was the crazy shoot day. As insane as it was, and as many people were out, we pulled it off - and with great success. It was one of those days where I realized how many really great people I work with. People really stepped up to make the shoot happen. In fact, people have really stepped up all week to help me stay sane while I wear all these hats!
Wednesday and Thursday were - in comparison- calmer, but still pretty insane. I think yesterday I actually walked about 2 miles while at work. Our building is mammoth. And I was all over the place yesterday! Tracking down crew guys.. walk to the studio, to their offices, to the equipment area.. back to my desk.. start all over for another task.. and back downstairs.. you get the drift. But hey, burning calories is burning calories.

Now it's finally Friday. At the moment, I am trying to decide what to eat for lunch. I normally bring from home and eat at my desk, but today I wanted to treat myself and go somwhere. Only now I don't know what I want.
Eileen has had an OK week. Early in the week she was not sleeping well AT ALL. We ended up with her in our bed on Tuesday night. And she's got something going on with her left eye. We thought it was irritated skin, but I'm thinking it may be something else. I know it's bothering her. We went to the doctor on Monday, but it wasn't our regular doctor. She has her 9month check up on Wednesday, so we'll get to see our doctor then and ask him. She is still adjusting to her new class at school. Miss Amanda is back from her vacation, so Eileen has been loving getting to play with her. Yesterday Eileen was doing a lot of pulling herself up and standing. She still hasn't crawled, tho she looks like she could at any moment! She is definitely a fan of standing. She gets very proud of herself when she does it. And then she giggles. Too cute. I will try to get it on video this weekend!
We don't really have any plans for the weekend. Of course it is Josh's first Father's Day. I got him BBQ Rub from the Rendevous. YUM. Tomorrow we plan to park ourselves on the deck with a cocktail or two and fire up the grill.

We will hit the gym in the morning so then there's less guilt with the pork! Oh- the other big plan I have for the weekend is to get this new trashcan. $100 for a garbage can?! I know. It's insane. But I really can't stand our trash can. It makes me so crazy. It moves around and hits the wall and the stinking bags are always falling down into it. So annoying. Some friends of ours had this Simple Human one, and it's really just the BMW of trashcans. (really. really. did I just blog on about a trash can?! it is quite sad that I am so excited to get this thing! what is more sad is that I know there are several of you reading this and completely getting what I mean!)
And on Sunday we're heading back to the pool. I can't wait! I'm feeling pale. Need some sun.
All of these pics are from last weekend. Little Eileen posing for the camera. Josh and Grandma Joyce in Sneedville. Me and Uncle David on our friend's backyard swing (That was really fun!).
Happy Friday all. Have a good weekend!