We took Gracie for her annual check up yesterday.
Nine Pounds. She's gained that much in just a year. I was mortified! The vet told me that and I about fell off the chair. I had a fear she was about to call the Golden Rescue and tell them to take our dog back! I just looked at her and said "Um, we had a baby last year." Which made her laugh, and I think, take pity on me. So, needless to say, Miss Gracie is going on a diet! We are cuttting back the amount of food she gets AND Daddy will be taking her on more walks. We definitely let her walks slide in the past few months. This is evidenced by the lazy pup you see here curled up with Eileen's toys. The vet wants her to lose at least 10 lbs, preferably 15. For now, we're aiming at least for the 10.
Speaking of Eileen, she's just a rascal. All weekend

refused to take anything from her bottle.
Not formula, not juice, not pedialyte. She did,
however, eat like a famished little being. I was a
tad concerned about dehydration- tho she never had a fever, had plenty of wet diapers, and was in a really good mood all weekend. I called the doctor anyway and they had us come in yesterday. He checked her out.. no ear infection or throat or anything else.. she weighs almost 19lbs.. so she clearly is growing just fine! He wasn't really sure
what was up... but said as long as she's eating and having the wet
diapers, she's fine. Mommy intuition tells me this is a combination of several things:

1) she is teething, so the bottle just hurts
2) she is over the whole bottle thing, ready for a sippy cup, just not quite so sure yet how to
use it
3) she is just as finicky as her
Daddy when it comes to what she will and won't eat or drink.
She may look just like me, but oh her personality seems to be that of Daddy (picky picky) and Aunt Sissy (feisty!!).
All that being said, we had a super weekend!
It was the first time in at least nine, if not ten, weekends that Josh has
not had to work. I had forgotten what it was like to have him with us all weekend! We were like Mission Organization.
We (ok, he) cleaned out/organized the attic, the guest room closet, and Eileen's closet. Purged some stuff. Moved around some stuff. We got frames for the house and hung them along the staircase (now I just need to decide which pictures to put
in the frames - at which time I will of course take a picture and post it). We went to Lowes and loaded up on flowers. Even got them planted! I got two hydrangeas - I have wanted those forever!- and Josh planted them in the front yard. Can't wait for them to bloom. I love those big poufy pompom blooms. I am hoping for blue ones. (Yes, I know the color of the bloom depends on what sort of soil you have. I have no clue what soil we have. It's really red clay. And hard to dig.)
On Saturday, Eileen napped for
three hours. Never - not even as a newborn- has she taken a nap that long. For her, if she makes it an hour, that's a long nap! So, on the one hand it was nice b.c I cleaned the whole house and got several loads of laundry done while she slept (oh- did I mention it was monsooning outside?!). On the other hand, she slept so long that it completely threw us off. We did not even leave the house until 3:45! We hit Babies R Us where we got her some more advanced toys. Ones that make noise. OOHHHMMM.
Then we hit Salsaritas and headed home and had our own little Cinco de Mayo celebration with margaritas, burritos, and Coronas. YUM.
Don't you love this picture? That would be her, last night, as I was taking pictures. She just reached out and grabbed the handle while I was snapping away. Like I said, she's a rascal. If she wants it, she
will find a way to get it. And Heaven forbid we try to take it away. She screams bloody murder. oh well, she'll live. :)
And, today is our 3year anniversary. Can't believe it's been 3 years. Actually, we've been together almost 7, which is
really mind boggling. Since we've been together we've left Manhattan, bought a house, two cars, a dog and now we have this little lovebug. I guess over the span of 7 years you'd expect that much change. But it still blows our minds. Anyway, Happy Anniversary to us!