Actually, I think we're pretty lucky as far as newborns and sleep go. We manage to get about 5-6 hours a night of sleep - not continuous, but at least it seems to be a decent amount. But I swear Gracie gets completey annoyed by the 2am feedings and diaper changes!
My one goal yesterday was to take a picture of Miss Eileen in her adorable monogrammed outfit from Aunt Kimmie and her just-as-adorable handmade pom pom hat from Miss Karrie. But she was just fussy all day and I couldn't get a smile out of her! I may just dress her in the outfit again today so I can get a picture before she outgrows the pieces.
Speaking of outgrowing, we went for her 3 week checkup yesterday. She has gained two pounds! and grown an inch! all in the span of 2.5 weeks. She's weighing in at 10lb 3oz (90th percentile), and 21.5 inches (70th percentile). So I no longer feel the need to work out with free weights, I'll just keep lifting Eileen and will soon have nicely sculpted arms!
We're going to a housewarming party later this evening. I am very much looking forward to seeing some friends- it will be fun to interact with adult humans.
Hugs, Kisses and lots of prayers to Nana Betty and Pop Harold, we're relieved the surgery went so well.
Happy Saturday!