Grandpa and Beanie were here this weekend and Eileen had a blast!
Whenever she sees her Grandpa she just giggles. It's the cutest thing ever. He just makes her happy! And she eats up her Beanie who is spoiling her rotten (and we love every minute of it).

It was insanely cold here all weekend, and we actually got some snow. It didn't really stick to the streets, but it did stick to the grass and houses. It was pretty.. though we were so busy taking pictures of Eileen we never got any of the snow! It's all melted now, and in fact it should be in the 60s in another day or two. And, considering that our gas bill was
$100 more this month than last month - I am welcoming warm weather with wide open arms. Plus, I can put Eileen in some of her cute clothes before she outgrows them all. She's been living in footies for weeks now. They're cute, but just not as
fun as some of her little pants and sweaters!
She still can't master the whole cereal thing. She opens her mouth when she sees the spoon.. takes it into her mouth just fine.. but the whole
swallow the food concept is lost on her. She prefers to stick her tongue out with a lump of cereal on it, and then put her hand in her mouth and smoosh it around. And then promptly wipe it on her face and head, and sometimes
Mommy's face. Too fun. I even tried peaches this weekend thinking the sweet fruit would win her over. Nope. So we go thru the motions every night, figuring at some point she'll get it. And in teh mean time we did buy a new nipple for her bottles that will allow thicker fluid (i.e. formula with cereal in it) through. I know it's not the best way to get her to eat it, but it
is the best way right now to get her to sleep longer through the night! Last night she slept from 8pm to 4:45 this morning... still not all the way to 6:30 or 7.. but getting closer.

She also had her first beer this weekend, as evidenced by the photo. It was a Killians. We're getting her ready for St. Patrick's day - with a name like Eileen, it's practically her own holiday!
(ok - for any of you out there getting ready to call child services - she did not actually drink any beer. She merely grabbed on to Mommy's beer for the Kodak Moment).
It was a fun weekend. After everybody left, we went to Target for the weekly shopping trip. I really could spend hours in that place. And it usually is good for getting Eileen to take a nap.
And then when we came home, Mommy and Eileen slept another two hours in the big bed together. Again, I know it's probably not the best habit to let her sleep with me.. but it's just so
sweet! I know in another few months she'll be crawling and getting more independent and want nothing to do with cuddling up.. so while she will let me I'll soak up every minute of little slumber parties togetehr on a chilly Sunday afternoon!

I guess that's about it.. now it's Monday and back to work!
Have a good week!