No sleeping in, no sparkling lights, no bubbly drinks and pretty bows. Then again, no insane lines at Target and Kroger. No mile long lines at big intersections. No more huge meals and munching on sausage balls all day long.
We had a fun holiday weekend. Josh got out of work around noon on Friday. We came home and watched movies, read the paper, played with Eileen. We were just lazy! And loved it.
Saturday we ran some errands (which included a very packed Kroger trip) and got takeout for dinner. More Christmas movies.

Yesterday we had a lazy morning. Then Sissy and David came over, and Grandma Joyce and Aunt Jaime and Steve. We had loads of munchies, then we headed over to Amy and Paul's for dinner. By that point Eileen wasn't holding up so well, so we didn't stay too long. But the food was fantastic and the company even better.
We're home today 'de-Christmasing.' We ususally wait until New Years is over, but since I go back to work on the 2nd, we figured we'd get it over with today so next weekend we can just hang out with Eileen as much as possible. Again, sad to put away all the fun decorations.. but happy to have some of the clutter put away.
And with that, she's waking from her nap.. so off I go. Later All!

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