I got my pansies planted (after a whole summer of not being able to 'play in the dirt' - I was in my glory digging up flowers and weeds and getting the fresh flowers in the ground!). Josh planted the mums and got our fall display together in the front yard. This from the two people who used to be such city dwellers in Manhattan. :)
My mom & John left this morning. That was tough. Mom was here almost three weeks. She didn't want to leave Eileen, and Josh and I didn't want them to leave at all. Josh had a blast with John doing handy man things around the house. (And thanks to John our computer is right with the world again). And I sure got used to Mom taking care of baby while I took long showers and napped. This week on our own will prove interesting!
Today was a big day for Eileen. We ventured out to run some errands. We got bourbon, beer, a bale of hay and some gas drops for baby's tummy. How's that for variety!? She did great in the car, and once Mommy and Daddy figured out how to get the carrier attached to the shopping cart (thanks to the very nice lady at Babies R Us), we did pretty well too!

I really will get links to Shutterfly loaded up, but right now we're all heading out for a walk and then to get some dinner before the UT/UGA game gets going.
Have a good one!