Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Well Hello There Old Friend..

Wowo.. it has been a month. But quite the busy month it has been.  Among other things, there was a field trip, Josh trekking to Atlanta to see U2, Josh trekking to Chicago for work, Halloween, and of course me trekking to NYC for a little running.

I completed my fourth New York City Marathon. Six minutes slower than last year.. but who's counting, right? People have told me 'oh well, .. you know.. you have a kid, and a job, etc etc.. " but that doesn't really hold up.. seeing as how I had the same kid and job last year! So, I chalk it up to getting older?  Regardless.. it was a great race.  An old NYC friend ran it (he's faster than me!) and I got to see him.  One of Josh's clients ran it and I got to see him on the flight home. I got to see my old boss from Food Network along the course. I ran with a friend from work. 

But the part that stands out the most... please be sitting down.. I fell.  Oh yes.. I fell. At mile 10. Now.. anyone who knows me should really not be shocked by this. I fall all the time.

I really still have no idea how i did it. I just was all of a sudden falling to the ground. My phone flew out of my hands (yes, I did run with it- but NO, I was not txting or facebooking when I fell...).  I completely face-planted.  According to my running buddy, I actually skidded!  Only me folks, only I would bust a$$ while running the New York City Marathon!

So.. it was a fun trip. I got to see my cousins, several old friends, and of course wander around Manhattan. And I got to run. 

One of the things that was not so fun was that I missed Halloween with Eileen.  Josh stayed home tho, so she did have at least one parental unit here. Aaaand Grandpa and Beanie were also here. So they carved a pumpkin, toasted the seeds, and of course Trick or Treated (in a cold downpour).  From what I was told.. she racked UP on candy... but Josh took it all to work to get rid of it before I'd even made it back from NYC! 

Eileen told everyone she was dressed as Tinker Bell... tho her dress bore a strong resemblance to Cindarella.  Josh was a pirate. I really have no idea what the expression is on her face in this picture!  She really did 'get it' this year.  She couldn't wait to run to the neighbor's houses and get her loot.

As mentioned earlie in this blog, Josh scored a very last minute ticket and trip to see U2 in Atlanta in early October.  He said it was an amazing show. Then the next week he was in Chicago for a couple of days for work. Eileen kept saying she wanted to go to "The Chicago."  Amazing how much she grasps and remembers these days.

Eileen had her three year check-up yesterday.  And it was so very different than any other doctor appts! They did a vision test (she passed with flying colors!), she had her blood pressure taken.. all sorts of 'adult things.' She did great.. didn't cry or get scared at all. For the record, her blood pressure was like 80/20.  I, of course, had NO IDEA what a child's blood pressure should be. I mean if that were an adult.. well, they'd be dead.  But the nurse assured me the 80/20 was just right for a 32lb 3 yr old who is 37.5inches tall. whew.

So I was talking to the doctor, who we love.. talking about the stubborn little lady who refuses to go potty at home. She totally knows when she needs to pee or poop.. and will tell us.... but instead of using the potty, she goes upstairs and puts on a diaper!  So Dr. looked at me and just said 'well.. stop buying diapers!'  HA. good point.  I am a Potty Enabling Mom! So we shall see how tihs works out.  I mean eventually she'll get there.. if she's 10 and still in princess pull-ups.. well.. then we've got issues!

It is so fun to watch her interact with her friends. Saturday we were supposed to go over to Nicole's to see some old friends and let the kids play.  We couldn't manage to get our act together in time, so we didnt make it. Then at the last minute we decided to make chili and see if Raven/Dave/MK and Parker could come over, and Sydney and her mommy too.  So everyone came. And the kids were wild.  Like on crack. But hilarious. The girls were driving Parker up the wall. So it was loud and crazy and insane and it was very fun.  Nice to be with other parents and just watch in amazement at the insanity of young (frighteningly sharp and smart) young brains.

Then on Sunday we headed down to Dollywood. And got to have a suprise, unplanned visit with Mr.  & Mrs. Claus! We knew Dollywood would have all the "Winterfest" lights and trees and decoratoins out and about. We wandered into Santa's workshop, but it didn't occur to us that he would be there! So there was no line.. and well, why not? So she marched right up to Santa (after chatting up the Mrs.) and informed him that she wanted a 'dolly!'  It is moments like that I wonder who she is and where did the Shy Eileen go? She used to want nothing to do with strangers - esp if Mommy & Daddy were around.  Now she just marches around and has her own social hour.

Needless to say.. I am super excited about Christmas.  I know she gets it this year. (and the whole 'you better be good or i'm telling Santa!' is a FANTASTIC bargaining tool!!)..