Speaking of Daddy.. check out this cutie pic from this morning. She woke up at 6 (after sleeping all the way through the night!) and I fed her and dressed her. Then Josh was hanging out with her while I got ready. He was in the bathroom and we were chatting and we looked at Little Missy and she was conked out cold in her Daddy's arms. Too sweet.
OK, and now on to Non-Eileen subjects..
Did you see the UT Basketball game last night? Not only did we beat Florida, arch rival AND ranked #4 in the country - we beat them by 10 points on national television.
AND our women's coach, the Amazing Pat Summitt, came out early in the first half and sang Rocky Top to the crowd and did a cheer with the cheerleaders. And Loved Son Peyton Manning was there to cheer on the team as well. (there will be no mention of Great Pumpkin Fulmer and his nose issues broadcast around the country). Coverage all over ESPN.
and, I didn't see it, but evidently the lovely ladies on The View have been bashing sororities. Now, I realize that there are certainly some bad things that go in Greek life. But there are just as many good things that come out of it. And for four supposedly well-educated, well- rounded women (ahem, NOT counting Rosie), none of whom have personal experience being in a sorority, to be bashing other women who have Greek affiliations - that is just ridiculous. I imagine this seems petty to most of you. It just burns me up. Some of my best experiences in college were due to being Greek. And I'm not talking about the Frat parties. The leadership roles I held taught me to manage people, schedules, work with authority and also with beauracracy (I have no idea if I spelled that right). Being Greek requires one to keep a certain GPA - so clearly I was studying! Not to mention the friendships. I've been out of school 10 years now (groan) and some of my best friends are those women I met through my sorority. I certainly don't have a national audience I get to speak my piece to, but if this makes anyone else with an pre-formed unsupported negative opinion think twice, well then I did my part.
OK, off my soap box now! Happy Wednesday.