you'll find - for the most part- the life and times of Eileen! And of course every now and then there will be stream-of-consciousness ramblings from Mommy...
OK.. yes.. I'm being sarcastic.. but this little gem is just a glimpse into Toddler Life. I took this video after these two had been running literally in circles for about 10 minutes straight...but at least they wear each other out! Syd and Eileen at their best (or worst?)...
It is definitely winter here.. its been super cold, which I guess is OK for now since its the holidays.. but I will not be umm.. tolerating? it so well after 1/1/10.
Speaking of "2010"... how does one say that? Do you say "twenty-ten"? what if you just want to say the last two numbers.. currently, we can say "oh-nine.." but can one say "oh-ten?" this was actually a discussion in the middle of a meeting earlier this week... (and yes, it could also work as a script for The Office).
Anyway, back to winter.. we did get some snow last weekend. The good kind. The kind you wake up to on a Saturday morning. The kind at which you love to watch your child stare in awe. The kind you can go outside and build a rocking snowman and have a quick snowball fight with your neighbor. And most importantly.. the kind that has melted and gone away within about 4 hours!!!
So its been cold. So we've done all sorts of things to try to keep ourselves entertained. Such as letting Eileen put on bizarr-o outfits and dance around the den. Or making sugar cookies (Thank You Pillsbury for the precut sugar cookie dough. Genious. Clearly created by a Mom).
And playdates. Loving those lately. Eileen definitely gets bored hanging out with Mommy and Daddy on the weekends. And while "Polar Express" and "Charlir Brown Christmas" can serve as good temporary babysitters.. I mean, we can only stick her in front of that TV for so long. Luckily Eileen's best friend lives close. Luckily Mommy and Syd's Mommy, Miss Lani, have lots of fun together too. So we let them run wild while we have a cocktail or two. Having wild children play, fight, tattle, scream, cry, hug, play, etc is not nearly so stressful when there's another mom there. It becomes much easier to ignore. Excuse me, I need to go grab my "Mother of the Year" Award.
Work has been.. well, really busy lately. I realize that is a good thing. But wow it has kicked my butt and taken names these past couple of weeks. I just need to make it through this week.. and then I am taking two weeks off. And yes, Eileen will go to school while Mommy stays home. Can you tell I'm looking forward to that?
Have you heard of The Elf on the Shelf? Its quite cute. its this little Elf you get.. and he lives in your house from about Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. He hangs out all day keeping an eye on the Child of the House, and then once said Child has gone to bed, why, the Elf of course heads to the North Pole to give Santa an update on the Child's behavior. Each morning when the Child awakes, she runs downstairs to see where the Elf has decided to perch. She's fascintaed by him.
And Mommy is already wondering if she can develop a Valentine's Elf... as this whole Elf concept certainly helps one bribe a child into good behavior. In true Eileen fashion, our Elf has a twist. The family is supposed to name their Elf as soon as he comes into your home. So we let Eileen name him. And she chose Chuckie. Wait. what? isn't that some creepy doll from past horror movies? Why yes, it is. So either Eileen has been watching Chuckie movies at school (not likely), she's going to be the next Wes Craven, or she just is a fan of the name?
I am working on editing close to 300 pictures from this past weekend.. Christmas Parade. One of Eileen's friends birthday parties. An 'adult' Christmas Party. Making cookies. Quite the festive weekend.
In the meantime.. here's a video from tonight's bathtime! Enjoy..