Wednesday night Dad and Jean took Josh, Eileen and I out for a bite to eat. We went to Connor's, I swear they have some of the best burgers in town. Eileen did great. She hung out in her carrier for a while, and when she got fussy I held her and she was content to look all around. And I have mastered the art of eating with one hand - even a big juicy burger. Josh and I were LOVING being out to eat and talking to other adults.
Thanksgiving was great.. Sissy did all of the cooking and hosting. It was a gorgeous day.. all the grandparents were there (including honorary Nana Betty and Grandpa Harold, we have 7 grandparents!). Amy, Paul , Caroline and one-week-old Jackson were also there. Holding Jackson -all 7lbs of him- only reminds me of how much Eileen has already grown and changed in 9 short weeks. Mind Boggling.

When it was over, we went to Italian Market - two restaurants in 4 days! It was nice to have the whole family together again.
And today we had her 2month check up. She weighed in at just under 13lbs (95th %) and 23inches (75th %). Clearly she's growing just fine! She got three shots - and she barely cried. I couldn't believe it. I was completely prepared for huge screams. She cried when she got the shots. Almost as soon as Josh and I picked her up, she was just fine. May she always be so laid back. So far no fever or reaction to the shots.. we'll see how she fares tomorrow. She did get some super sparkly fun band-aids!

OK, here's the link to recent pics. There are several recent albums posted. I promise to not take so long with another posting!