We really have won the baby lottery. I don't know how we're so lucky, but I sure as heck don't take it for granted. We ran Eileen around all weekend long and she was just
so good.Friday night was a little bit of a race as I was eager to get her bathed and fed so I could
go out! with some friends.. yes.. I left Josh at home alone while I hit the town for Amy's birthday. Pictures of the lovely lady in her sombrero available at the usual
Saturday we had a lazy morning..went to the gym..came home and while she napped we did chores (Josh keeps complaining that if I hadn't fired the maid -HA! - we wouldn't have to keep up the house...). Uncle David and Aunt Sissy came over. I held Eileen for a while so she could get used to Uncle David. She's always fascinated by him but doesn't always like to be held by him. I think we figured out the trick. Let her hang out for a little while just watching him, and then she's like butter in his arms! She had a blast playing with him. You can see she's a big fan of standing on people now. I'm just waiting to walk into her room and find her standing in that crib!
Then we went to the MALL! I have not been to the mall in ages. The weather was weird.. cloudy but bright and muggy as can be.. so we decided walking around the mall would be fun.
I had to return a couple of things. And I
finally got my mother's day present - a new jewerlry box! I've been wanting (and needing!) one for a while. It's not like I am dripping in diamonds.. but I do have some fun stuff that I just plain forget about b.c it wasn't in a place where I could easily see it. Now it's all pretty and organized and
visible. So we're wandering around.. Eileen is content, pretty quiet, in her stroller just taking it all in. Then we walked into the Coach store (my true heaven) just to look around. I kid you not, she started chattering and squealing.
The girl loves purses and wallets! Just like mommy! So after I wiped the drool off my face, we headed across the way to Williams-Sonoma. Same thing! She was a complete chatterbox. She loved all the fun kitchen-ware. She knows good stuff when she sees it!

We walked around a little more.. then ended up at the Disney store. Oh my. Loads and loads of fun stuff in there. TONS of fun little princess outfits. Most of it way to old for our 8.5 month old.. but oh.. in years to come.. too fun. The whole back wall is stuffed animals.. and there was a special... three for $20. Who can resist that?! Josh really really wanted Tigger. I couldn't decide between him and Pooh. So I let Eileen pick. Put them in front of her and she
lunged at Pooh. So there's one. Then we let her pick between Dumbo and a Dwarf. Again, she just about leapt out of the stroller at Dumbo! The big pink ears are a draw! And then, finally, between Mickey and Minnie. I don't think she really cared which one of those she got, so I went with Minnie. Gotta love the mouse in heels. And then we got a free pair of mouse ears for her. Too fun.
And then Aunt Jaime came over! She'd been in Sneedville with Grandma Joyce while she recovered from gallbladder surgery. She's a trouper.. and already running around town! You'd never know she had just had surgery. So Aunt Jaime came to see us on Saturday night. We all went to dinner at PF Chang's. YUM. I don't know the last time I was there! We kept Eileen out
well past her bedtime, and she didn't make a single fuss! Honestly, she just hung out in the highchair while we ate. And then we got home and she went right to bed. She continues to amaze me. We had a good time with Aunt Jaime and she got some good cuddles from Eileen!

Sunday was the norm.. church and home for a while.. then we hit Target. It's the place to be! We saw Miss Kerri, Miss Sandi, and we also ran into Dr. Ginger (our obgyn). It was fun to get to see her and let her see Eileen (she hasn't seen her since Eileen was born - and promptly
pooped all over her! So it was a fun afternoon of grocery shopping.
Today is her third day in her 'new' class.. it's the 'older' infants. Friday and yesterday were sort of tough on her.. She knows she's in a different room with different teachers.. she
did make the move with six other babies from her first class- so at least she knows the other kids and we know the parents. And the kids that were already in there we also know. Hopefully today will be better for her as she gets used to her new place. When we left she was happily playing with baskets of toys, so that is a good sign.
That's about it!
Happy Tuesday.