Friday, December 25, 2009


I'm writing this as I wait for 166 pictures to upload, and Eileen is parked next to me on the couch in her Christmas dress watching Snow White.  Its Christmas Day and we are being l a z y.  And loving every minute of it.  We have not stopped!

We've done just about every holiday activity there is to offer. It is hard to put into words how exciting it is to watch Eileen's eyes light up and get so excited about all things Santa. She understands so much of it and is truly enchanted by it all. And as an adult.. well I get to be a kid all over again. I feel so old saying it, but I know better than to take it for granted. I know we don't get very many years where she will be so excited and when she will truly believe.  It is magical to get to be a part of her world.

Lets see.. we started the Season with the impromptu trip to Dollywood, where we got to see all the lights and Eileen got to talk toSanta and Mrs. Claus.  There was the Festival of Trees.. that was over Thanksgiving weekend.  And we had Grandpa and Beanie with us, we got to see MK dance. The next weekend was the Christmas Parade. We went to that with Eileen's BFF Sydney. There was an unusually large number of garbage trucks in said parade.

Now.. its been years since I went to a Christmas Parade. Is that the norm these days? Garbage Trucks, decorated with lights and garland? To be part of the proecession?  Or is that just here in the Hills of East Tennessee? Weird right!? there was, of course, the expected bands, cheerleaders, boy and girl scouts. There was - as Lani and I dubbed him- The Elf.  He was actually the possibly intoxicated college kid who managed to umm... march.. behind all of the school bands. Certainly marching to his own beat. and hilarious to watch.  There were several church groups with "Jesus is the Reason" message.  Which is all good. And there was the one church group with said message.. and um.. a guy walking with the Cross. Umm. I get it. Jesus.  Yes - we should certainly remember He is the reason, lest we get too caught up in the commercialism.  But with the cross? Really? That goes with a different holiday. right? Try to explain to a 3year old why that man has that large Cross and why there is a cheerleader in front of him and an elf behind him!  ANYWAY.

We went to a 'kid family' party at Kali's house.  On the one hand, I still sometimes find myself in awe that I have a kid and am at a party where my kid is running around with all the other kids. All the girls in their Christmas dresses and boys in their little sweaters and courdoroys.  I mean, wasn't it just yesterday that me and Sissy were those kids? How am I now the mom??? It was such fun tho. So fun to watch the kids run aroudn together. OH, and I do mean run.  Remember that post just below this one? Where Eileen and Syd just ran around our coffee table? Yeah. Eileen led the way of running around Kali's house in that fashion. Leading four other children to do the same.  Oh Lawsy.

Lest you have any doubt. Eileen is all ME. most girly tomboy on the planet.  For Kali's party, she insisted on wearing (one) of her Christmas dresses. Along with her fuschia leggings and pink sparkle shoes. And her jewelry. And scarf.  It was some serious costume/princess jewelry. and mommy's old purple scarf. So.. yes.. my precious little lady did very much resemble a Street Walker. in that cute innocent way. (dont be jealous of my Mother of the Year status).  I did feel better to see that Kali had also insisted upon earrings. And as she had none, her mommy and daddy improvised by coloring red dots on her ear lobes. We do what we have to do.. right?!

Later that week was her school party. Which fell on Pajama Day. So she marched off to school in her Princess Flannels (i mean really, what else would you have expected?!) and sparkle shoes. They watched movies and ate popcorn. Meanwhile, Mommy had HER department lunch downtown. When it was over, I flew back to work, got my car. Flew to Eileen's Christmas party. Hilarious. Those kids could make Scrooge himself laugh. And oh those teachers are magical. They somehow manage to get all those 3year olds to line up in their assigned spots. And to stay quiet. And to wait their turn to get their presents. And to eat their food.  I watch in wonder. Wondering what drug it is that they must pump through the air vents to have such well-behaved toddlers. I can promise that behavior is rarely repeated at home!  And THEN she and I flew to my other work party, which was bowling. And oh yes, she stayed in the flannels and sparkle shoes. And was the Star of the Party. Its too bad she's so shy and hates attention.  yeah.. right.  We did not actually bowl, she instead ran around attempting to bust into the bowling alley kitchen, climbing all over Miss Johanna, getting rides on Mr. Rick's shoulders, grinning ear to ear for Mr. Tim's camera, and hamming it up with Uncle Dave.

Then she and Daddy went to Sneedville to spend the weekend with Grandma. And they had snow. Lots and lots and lots of snow.  She got to spend Fridat at Grandma's library and playing with the Big Kids. and she got to eat in the cafeteria, also with the Big Kids. She does love Grandma's house. All sorts of fun stuff up there.

And then of course it was Christmas!  She was bouncing off the walls yesterday. She could not WAIT to go to church- all becuase she was d y i n g to put on her other Christmas dress from Beanie. She wanted to put it on as soon as she got out of bed.  I somehow convinced her to wait until it was time to go to church to wear it, so she didn't get it messed up. So then we let her open one present before church.. and it was of course her doll from Beanie. Which, of course, had on the very same dress as Eileen! She was fascinated by that.  She promptly named the doll "eileen" and she went to Mass with us.  We managed to get there early enough to get seat in the actual church.. but it was pure mayhem. So we walked over to the Parish Hall.. obviously not as pretty as the Church.. but a tad more kid friendly, and we got front row seats.  And the little girl next to us had on teh very same dress, along with her stuffed dog in IT's own matching dress. Hilarious. And mommy was super excited to have the owner of the Irish Times sitting on the same ailse as us. :)

Aunt Sissy came to spend the night since Uncle David had to work. That was loads of fun. We managed to get Eileen to bed at the normal time.. and then we three got all the loot ready. Josh had to put together the Sit-n-Spin and the kitchen.  I managed to assemble the Hungry Hippos and the Little People Amusement park. :)  

And then bright and early at 6am.. "MOMMA! DADDA! COME GET ME!"  (oh.. um.. we'd locked her into her room so she couldn't get out before us. Again.. mother of the year..).  She was actually a little overwhelmed... there wasn't that "wow" moment. Maybe she's still too young? She sat in my lap for a good 10 minutes just not sure what to do.  Not to fret.. once she warmed up, she was a force. Playing and digging and unwrapping.  Fascinated by all the goodies.  And then Uncle David came over with her new wagon and that was a hit. Actually, Uncle David himself was a hit. She was so very excited to see him. That was precious to watch.

And now here we are on Christmas afternoon. it started out warm and now is windy and cold. We've napped, rearranged the bonus room (to make room for toys), watched movies and now Josh is switching the refrigerator door! (a little odd for Christmas Day yes.. but then again.. if one finds some free time.. well. you do what you gotta do, right?!)

its been a blast this year. I'm sad to see it end.. but there's a small part of me ready to return to normalcy. I already know the start of the year is a busy one at work. I've got training for another race starting tomorrow (I know.. I hear you all muttering that I'm nuts...).  So I have one more week off of work, and I intend to make the most of not working. :)

Merry Christmas to All.  and a Happy New Year to come..

Saturday, December 12, 2009

before you consider getting preggers.. watch this..

OK.. yes.. I'm being sarcastic.. but this little gem is just a glimpse into Toddler Life.  I took this video after these two had been running literally in circles for about 10 minutes straight...but at least they wear each other out!  Syd and Eileen at their best (or worst?)...

It is definitely winter here.. its been super cold, which I guess is OK for now since its the holidays.. but I will not be umm.. tolerating? it so well after 1/1/10.

Speaking of "2010"... how does one say that? Do you say "twenty-ten"?  what if you just want to say the last two numbers.. currently, we can say "oh-nine.."  but can one say "oh-ten?"  this was actually a discussion in the middle of a meeting earlier this week... (and yes, it could also work as a script for The Office).

Anyway, back to winter.. we did get some snow last weekend.  The good kind.  The kind you wake up to on a Saturday morning. The kind at which you love to watch your child stare in awe. The kind you can go outside and build a rocking snowman and have a quick snowball fight with your neighbor.  And most importantly.. the kind that has melted and gone away within about 4 hours!!!
So its been cold. So we've done all sorts of things to try to keep ourselves entertained. Such as letting Eileen put on bizarr-o outfits and dance around the den.  Or making sugar cookies (Thank You Pillsbury for the precut sugar cookie dough. Genious. Clearly created by a Mom).
And playdates. Loving those lately.  Eileen definitely gets bored hanging out with Mommy and Daddy on the weekends. And while "Polar Express" and "Charlir Brown Christmas" can serve as good temporary babysitters.. I mean, we can only stick her in front of that TV for so long.   Luckily Eileen's best friend lives close. Luckily Mommy and Syd's Mommy, Miss Lani, have lots of fun together too. So we let them run wild while we have a cocktail or two. Having wild children play, fight, tattle, scream, cry, hug, play, etc is not nearly so stressful when there's another mom there. It becomes much easier to ignore. Excuse me, I need to go grab my "Mother of the Year" Award.
Work has been.. well, really busy lately. I realize that is a good thing. But wow it has kicked my butt and taken names these past couple of weeks. I just need to make it through this week.. and then I am taking two weeks off. And yes, Eileen will go to school while Mommy stays home.  Can you tell I'm looking forward to that?
Have you heard of The Elf on the Shelf? Its quite cute. its this little Elf you get.. and he lives in your house from about Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. He hangs out all day keeping an eye on the Child of the House, and then once said Child has gone to bed, why, the Elf of course heads to the North Pole to give Santa an update on the Child's behavior. Each morning when the Child awakes, she runs downstairs to see where the Elf has decided to perch.  She's fascintaed by him.
And Mommy is already wondering if she can develop a Valentine's Elf... as this whole Elf concept certainly helps one bribe a child into good behavior.  In true Eileen fashion, our Elf has a twist.  The family is supposed to name their Elf as soon as he comes into your home. So we let Eileen name him. And she chose Chuckie.  Wait. what? isn't that some creepy doll from past horror movies?  Why yes, it is.  So either Eileen has been watching Chuckie movies at school (not likely), she's going to be the next Wes Craven, or she just is a fan of the name?
Mommy will miss Chuckie come Christmas Eve. 

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

catching up..

I am working on editing close to 300 pictures from this past weekend.. Christmas Parade. One of Eileen's friends birthday parties.  An 'adult' Christmas Party. Making cookies.  Quite the festive weekend. 

In the meantime.. here's a video from tonight's bathtime!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Sparkles..

This child is nuts. I mean..!! and yes, she honest to God did that all on her own. Last weekend (gasp! the weekend before Thanksgiving.. we decorated for Christmas).  Josh was stringing the garland on the stairs and I was doing the mantle and this is what I saw when I turned around. Talk about trying not to choke on one's own laughter...

It has been a busy month, and I daresay having a 3+ year old makes Christmas insanely fun.. this from the girl who has always loved tihs time of year.  I had no idea how much more fun it could be.

In the past couple of weeks.. we have been to the Zoo for Parker's bday party, bought a new fridge, we have had Grandpa and Beanie and Grandma Joyce here for Thanksgiving, we have been to Fantasy of Trees, decorated our house, and been to the Knoxvegas Festival of Lights!  We still have a birthday party, a couple of Christmas parties, Hannukah, a parade, a trip to Memphis.. and of course the big day itself .. all in the next month.  I am already worn out. Somewhere in there we need to shop too.

So every day that passes.. Eileen is more and more chatty. And I honestly have no idea where that trait came from... hehehe.

Some winners of late...

Our friend "Mr. Tim" came over one night after work to help me sort out something with the new fridge (really, its obscene how excited I am about that appliance).  So Tim walked in, Eileen ran to greet him. She stopped, looked at him, and said "HEY!"  and there Tim and I stood.. wondering and waiting.. and she said "HEY! where's your kid?"   HA. She didn't care to see Tim.. she was looking for one of his daughters to play with. Needless to say, Tim and I were practically on the floor laughing.

A couple of days later.. She and I were in the car. I had on Christmas music (shocking, I know).  A new song (well, new to Eileen) came on... I think it was "Do You Hear What I Hear?".. so she listened to it, then asked if she could hear it again. So I started it again.. halfway through, she said "This song is terrible!  what's next?!"  I mean, really! Again, I tried to not drive us off the road while cracking up.

We went to the zoo for Parker's party (I refuse to reveal his age bc it makes me feel impossibly old!).  We had a blast (even tho zoos still creep me out) and spent several hours wandering around.  They have a baby chimp there.. George. .. he's about 4mos old and just precious. Anyway.. as we're leaving, Eileen is riding along on Daddy's shoulders.  She turned to me and said "Mommy? It smells like POOP!" 
well. yes, it does. it IS a zoo.  smart kid that one.

It is slightly mind-boggling how much she is already aware of clothes, styles, fashion, etc (not counting the fantastic outfit seen at the start of this post).  While getting dressed for Parker's party, she picked out her own outfit.  A t-shirt, skirt, and leggings to go underneath. And she came running downstairs and promptly informed me she looked just like MK.  Sure enough, when we got to the party, MK had on a t-shirt, skirt and leggings.  A day or two later, while getting dressed for school, she picked out a dress, pink leggings, and her ladybug shoes.  And said that she looked just like Hannah.  And sure enough, we got to school.. and Hannah had on her pink leggings and her ladybug shoes! 

Over the weekend, we were at Target (shocking).  Eileen and I took a detour through the kids shoes. And she spotted some sparkly silver shoes. And oh how she wanted them. I told her no and kept moving, not thinking twice about it. Hoo Boy! she She hollered and furrowed her brow and even produced some tears.. all because she could not have those silver shoes.  I finally got her distracted and calmed down with who knows what, and the silver shoes were a distant memory.  Until we had to go back to Target on Sunday for something we'd forgotten. And we'd been in the store all of three minutes when she said "Where are the silver shoes?!"  And here's where I'm mom of the year. I caved, agreed they were very cute.. and off we went to the shoes. They were, however, out of silver in her size. They did have pink ones that were exactly the same.. only better.. since they had the Disney Princesses on the soles and on the shoe box. So $12 later and some very cute pink glittery shoes.. and we have a fashion forward child.

I won the Mother of the Year award again this morning. I told Eileen she could only wear those new shoes to school if she agreed to wear jeans. Hehehe. Yes, jeans. For whatever reason, the child refuses to wear them. But she looks so dang cute in them. So she agreed. She wore thos pink shoes and jeans.  I am fully aware she'll have a wardrobe complex by age 5. Some parents bribe their kids with food.. me.. shoes!  Well. at least she'll stay at a healthy weight, right? By not associating rewards with food? but instead shoes?  I can justify just about anything. 

Note said pink sparkly shoes in photo to left with child on Potty.  I am about to have to start using the shoes to bribe her to pee on the potty! She knows how. She does it at school. She knows when she needs to pee or poo.. and she is also able to hold it! but she!!! Sigh. 

So last week we went to the Festival of Trees. Its a pretty big event here in Knoxville.. a fundraiser for Children's hospital. We went on Wednesday to see MK dance. Precious. oh.. but Eileen was flat out livid that she could not run up on that stage and dance with MK!  I don't thikn she grasped the whole dance thing (saving me from just yet having to fork out those dollars).. just that MK was up there having fun without her!

So Friday night was the kickoff of the Knoxville Holiday Celebrations. The Ice Skating rink opens in Market Square, there are vendors everywhere, hot chocolate, singing and dancing, and of course, lighting the city tree.  It was a chilly day, perfect for Christmas Fun! They also had a couple of (very well) controlled fires for roasting marshmallows, and some electric trains running around a track.  Super fun to watch a little girl take all of that in.

So when it came time to light the tree.. Santa and Rudolph were on the stage to push the "big red button." Perfect. 3..2..1.. and lights! beautiful. And then.. fireworks. Oh no. no.  Eileen is terrified of the things! We had no idea they would be part of the lighting! oh Heavens she flipped out..was not at all happy about the noise!  We bolted back to the ice rink and she calmed down. Whew.

And on Saturday night, when Josh said it was time to light our tree.. well she took off out of the den like her rear end was on fire. She was convinced we'd have fireworks in our living room. Honestly!

 I think I could ramble on forever .. but its getting late, and I am tired.. and I need to pick up the house before the cleaning service comes tomorrow. Yes, I am that person.

In the meantime.. here's some more pictures ...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Well Hello There Old Friend..

Wowo.. it has been a month. But quite the busy month it has been.  Among other things, there was a field trip, Josh trekking to Atlanta to see U2, Josh trekking to Chicago for work, Halloween, and of course me trekking to NYC for a little running.

I completed my fourth New York City Marathon. Six minutes slower than last year.. but who's counting, right? People have told me 'oh well, .. you know.. you have a kid, and a job, etc etc.. " but that doesn't really hold up.. seeing as how I had the same kid and job last year! So, I chalk it up to getting older?  Regardless.. it was a great race.  An old NYC friend ran it (he's faster than me!) and I got to see him.  One of Josh's clients ran it and I got to see him on the flight home. I got to see my old boss from Food Network along the course. I ran with a friend from work. 

But the part that stands out the most... please be sitting down.. I fell.  Oh yes.. I fell. At mile 10. Now.. anyone who knows me should really not be shocked by this. I fall all the time.

I really still have no idea how i did it. I just was all of a sudden falling to the ground. My phone flew out of my hands (yes, I did run with it- but NO, I was not txting or facebooking when I fell...).  I completely face-planted.  According to my running buddy, I actually skidded!  Only me folks, only I would bust a$$ while running the New York City Marathon!

So.. it was a fun trip. I got to see my cousins, several old friends, and of course wander around Manhattan. And I got to run. 

One of the things that was not so fun was that I missed Halloween with Eileen.  Josh stayed home tho, so she did have at least one parental unit here. Aaaand Grandpa and Beanie were also here. So they carved a pumpkin, toasted the seeds, and of course Trick or Treated (in a cold downpour).  From what I was told.. she racked UP on candy... but Josh took it all to work to get rid of it before I'd even made it back from NYC! 

Eileen told everyone she was dressed as Tinker Bell... tho her dress bore a strong resemblance to Cindarella.  Josh was a pirate. I really have no idea what the expression is on her face in this picture!  She really did 'get it' this year.  She couldn't wait to run to the neighbor's houses and get her loot.

As mentioned earlie in this blog, Josh scored a very last minute ticket and trip to see U2 in Atlanta in early October.  He said it was an amazing show. Then the next week he was in Chicago for a couple of days for work. Eileen kept saying she wanted to go to "The Chicago."  Amazing how much she grasps and remembers these days.

Eileen had her three year check-up yesterday.  And it was so very different than any other doctor appts! They did a vision test (she passed with flying colors!), she had her blood pressure taken.. all sorts of 'adult things.' She did great.. didn't cry or get scared at all. For the record, her blood pressure was like 80/20.  I, of course, had NO IDEA what a child's blood pressure should be. I mean if that were an adult.. well, they'd be dead.  But the nurse assured me the 80/20 was just right for a 32lb 3 yr old who is 37.5inches tall. whew.

So I was talking to the doctor, who we love.. talking about the stubborn little lady who refuses to go potty at home. She totally knows when she needs to pee or poop.. and will tell us.... but instead of using the potty, she goes upstairs and puts on a diaper!  So Dr. looked at me and just said 'well.. stop buying diapers!'  HA. good point.  I am a Potty Enabling Mom! So we shall see how tihs works out.  I mean eventually she'll get there.. if she's 10 and still in princess pull-ups.. well.. then we've got issues!

It is so fun to watch her interact with her friends. Saturday we were supposed to go over to Nicole's to see some old friends and let the kids play.  We couldn't manage to get our act together in time, so we didnt make it. Then at the last minute we decided to make chili and see if Raven/Dave/MK and Parker could come over, and Sydney and her mommy too.  So everyone came. And the kids were wild.  Like on crack. But hilarious. The girls were driving Parker up the wall. So it was loud and crazy and insane and it was very fun.  Nice to be with other parents and just watch in amazement at the insanity of young (frighteningly sharp and smart) young brains.

Then on Sunday we headed down to Dollywood. And got to have a suprise, unplanned visit with Mr.  & Mrs. Claus! We knew Dollywood would have all the "Winterfest" lights and trees and decoratoins out and about. We wandered into Santa's workshop, but it didn't occur to us that he would be there! So there was no line.. and well, why not? So she marched right up to Santa (after chatting up the Mrs.) and informed him that she wanted a 'dolly!'  It is moments like that I wonder who she is and where did the Shy Eileen go? She used to want nothing to do with strangers - esp if Mommy & Daddy were around.  Now she just marches around and has her own social hour.

Needless to say.. I am super excited about Christmas.  I know she gets it this year. (and the whole 'you better be good or i'm telling Santa!' is a FANTASTIC bargaining tool!!)..

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Toddlers at the Farm

Well folks. It has happened. already I have worn out the Motherly Toned "one...Two.. THREE.."

Tonight Miss Sassy Pants was refusing to come near me so I could give her her medicine. (in her defense.. it does taste really icky).  So I put on the Mom Face... and said firmly "one..."  and then. she looked at me. cocked that little head. and said, in an already apparent Southern Drawl..  'twooooo...'   and I, of course, cracked up. I mean, honestly! How is one supposed to be a firm parent when children are so hilarious?

Sissy came over after work to entertain Eileen while i did laundry and dishwasher and got dinner ready.  We all took a quick walk around the neighborhood.. it was either that or have Gracie implode from wanting to enjoy the perfect Fall Day. So Sissy and I were walking and Eileen on her Big Wheel (Disney Princess Themed, of course). It should be noted she has gotten quite speedy on that big wheel! Steering and remembering to look for cars.. well those areas need some work. So anyway, she's pedaling along. Stop. Stands up. and Toots. and cracks herself up so much she's doubled over in laughter. Sissy was horrified. and I, mother of the year and clearly the Queen of Little Girl Etiquette, cracked up right along with Eileen. Way to encourage such behavior. She'll make a great Frat Boy someday.                                                             

As you have probably deduced from these pictures, the Field Trip to the PumpkinPatch was earlier this week. Wowo. How those teachers deal with a roomfull of three year olds is beyond me. They are some strong women! But oh we had a blast.  We got to school and they loaded the car seats onto the school bus. Then we had the caravan of SUV's and minivans following the bus out to the Land of Pumpkins. Oh - and it just so happened that Eileen and BFF Syd had on the same shirt, only adding to the cuteness. They are clearly an exclusive club.   So we get there and this man greets us. And he's like a frightening Halloween Creepy Santa Claus. Hes tall and has a long white beard and a big belly. It does not help that he has a red shirt on. But i'm not sure he had all his teeth. And he starts out by showing this mob of 3 year olds some leaves and berries. And then tells them NOT to eat them. because they are poison.  I'm like "what the hell??? is this man insane? has he never MET a 3year old?" because you know - as soon as they hear not to do something, their little brains start scheming on how to do this thing they are not supposed to do. Good LORD man stop talking.

When it was time to get on the hayride, which thankfully did NOT actually include hay.. Eileen was scared. She didn't want to get on the trailer. So Syd looks at her - and I am so NOT making this up- says "c'mon eileen! what is your problem?"   hil-a-ri-ous. Syd's mom and I died. so funny. and hey.. it worked. Eileen stopped being a fraidy cat and hopped right up there.  Three cheers for Toddler Peer Pressure!!

We fed some goats.. I am fairly certain Eileen attempted to kiss one.  oh yay.  We then traveled to a pumpkin patch. Where the kids were told not to go past the pink ribbon. So who wants to guess at what to blond girls in matching tee-shirts took off straight for that ribbon? I'd already run 6miles before this field trip, and I easily covered another couple while chasing the Little People.  And then they took us toa corn maze. At which point I thought surely we were on Candid Camera. Who in the world turns loose all these short people in super tall corn?!?  (and yes, it did occurr to me that I was living out my very own version of "Children of the Corn.")  Thankfully.. it wasn't so much a maze, as it was a curvy path.  We got behind a slower little girl and her grandmother.  Her grandmother who pointed out every.single.ear.of.corn to the little girl.  This was after we'd been there two hours, and were hungry, thirsty and a little bit over the farm.

Evidently Eileen and Mateyah were also a little ready to move on.. the two of them suddenly just ran full speed in front of the woman.  The woman who did not seem phased that these two just took off on their own into the corn. The woman who did not move to the side to at least let me and Mateyah's mommy by to chase after them.  The woman who clearly is one of those Stupid People who is let out of her house every so often. (Ok, that was mean. but really?!?! )  So after what seemed like a lifetime, but was probably just a couple of seconds, we gave up on attempting niceties and just ran right past the woman and hoped we didn't knock her over.  And there were Eileen and Mateyah just happily leading the group through the corn. Ohhh Heaven Help me.

Anyway. the last stop was an apple orchard. with old apples on the ground. that the kids wanted to eat. at this point i didn't have much argument left in me and didn't really fight any kiddos taking bites. no one fell over, so no harm done.

And so that was it. It was a blast. So hilarious to see all the kids interact. And it was fun to get to hang out with some of the other parents.

And lastly, we have the photo of the day.. the one where i looked at Eileen and said "Smile for Mommy..."  and here's what I got: