Aunt Sissy had come over for the afternoon and got to hang out for a while.. she also had little Howard with her. I know Gracie is mellowed out; she wasn't even phased by the fact that another dog was in her house! And then Uncle David came over, and we all grilled out some burgers and veggies.
And then we had cake. I'm actually not sure how much of it she ate. She really just wore it! She did it the blob of ice cream, and I did feed her two bites of cake. Other than that, she really just smeared the chocolate around and licked her hands. You can imagine the bath! I carried her upstairs at an arm's length- which she thought was hilarious- and plopped her in. Chocolate in her hair, up her nose, on her legs, all over her butt! (not her actual butt - it was on her shorts- but still!) I let her soak for quite some time. (tho this morning I found more chocolate that was under her little fingernail!)
It was a blast.
Poor Josh spent most of his birthday doing Daddy chores! He defrosted the freezer, washed the car, adjusted the car seat, grilled the burgers, and put together a new shelf we got! But I think he had fun.

Oh, and at church on Sunday morning, Eileen of course was a complete crack up. We sit in the front row, I don't know how the priest manages to get thru Mass. She's insanely well-behaved, but she's still hilarious. She likes to dance during some of the songs. She stands on the front pew with her fat little feet going to town. During the final blessing, she decided to blow raspberries at the lady behind us, which cracked the poor woman up. And during the middle of the Mass she is just fascinated to watch the priest, and at times, she just waves at him. If it were me up there I'd probably lose it.
I guess that's about it from us. It was a fun weekend.. glorious weather and a lot of fun times just hanging out with baby.
Happy Monday!

lots of updated pictures:

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