That, or my cynicism has begun to override my sensiblities.
From about Tuesday afternoon on.. the weather people were warning of the Massive Snowstorm on its way. So of course by Thursday at 6pm.. when it was roughly 51degrees out.. school for Friday was cancelled. This is one of those times I am immensely thankful Eileen's school does not follow the County schedule.
Needless to say, Friday morning it was dry as a bone. And stayed that way til about 4pm. Then it snowed a lot.. and a lot.. and didnt stick to the streets... and then it did.. and then it was rain.. Good Lord not that you all want a play by play of the Knoxville weather patterns.
Bottom line.. we woke up Saturday morning to some snow with a layer of ice on top.. that turned to slush.. and I went to the gym.. along with the rest of West Knoxville. Then Josh, Eileen and I went to eat .. and killed some time at the Pet Store.. also along with the rest of West Knoxville. What else does one do with a stir-crazy 3year old when its nasty snowy cold and wet outside? Why, go look at Nemo and Gerbils and such at PetSmart!
So have you ever seen a chinchilla? Creepy little animal. Josh called it a pickle on toothpicks. And hey, it retails for just $150.00. ewwwwwwwwwwwww.
So Eileen is full of well.. herself! That girl is a mess. I picked her up from school the other day just as another teacher came in.. scooped her up ... and said "what person in this school doesn't LOVE this girl?!" oh Heaven Help Me. Of course I love that they love her.. but oh lordy her head is going to explode.
We were coming home the other day and she told me that one of her friends had cut her hair. So I corrected her and said her friend had gotten a haircut. "NO Mommy! She cut her hair!" I never know these days what to believe .. so I didn't believe her.
Well.. I should have. Oh Goodness. One of her classmates completely chopped her hair. She's still precious - but oh Lordy. I will be putting all of our scissors higher than even I can reach.. for fear Eileen gets any ideas.
We have FINALLY managed to move past the binky. She no longer has one at bed or nap or in general. Now.. if we could just get past the diapers. The girl refuses to go to the restroom on the potty. Today she told me she doesn't want diapers.. and so I said ok, lets use the potty. "No Mommy, I'll use the potty in five weeks. " At this point there is no use in continuing any sort of rational conversation with the tiny person of the household.
During this past weekend, when we had The Blizzard.. we did lose power for about 2 hours. It was early morning so we were all snuggled up in bed to stay warm. Eileen wanted to watch Disney. Have you ever tried to explain to a 3year old how electricity works? Lets just say this.. when it did come back on.. she said "Mommy? Did the Dunkin Donuts people turn on the elecristy" no words. none. I have NO IDEA how that got into her head.
So the chaos has continued at work. I am thinking perhaps I should stop thikning of it as chaos, and start thinking of it as the Norm? Perhaps then I won't keep waiting for it to slow down? On the bright side,.. its been so hectic that I rarely have time to eat. I know. I'm weird.
So back to the Blizzard. By Saturday afternoon there was some more flurries. We played outside in it. Gracie was in doggie heaven. So Josh found this sled under our house.. it was under our house when we moved in five years ago.

So all in all.. there was no real Blizzard. At least not where we are. But definitely we got to have some fun in the snow. And as you can see... Eileen wore herself out. She is not one to fall asleep on the couch. In fact.. I don't think once in her little life has she ever done so. Clearly she had a blast.
So. I'm done with winter now. Ready for summer. Happy to skip right over spring. I hate storms anyway.. they still scare me. So.. summer. please. hurry.