I'm writing this as I wait for 166 pictures to upload, and Eileen is parked next to me on the couch in her Christmas dress watching Snow White. Its Christmas Day and we are being l a z y. And loving every minute of it. We have not stopped!
Lets see.. we started the Season with the impromptu trip to Dollywood, where we got to see all the lights and Eileen got to talk toSanta and Mrs. Claus. There was the Festival of Trees.. that was over Thanksgiving weekend. And we had Grandpa and Beanie with us, we got to see MK dance. The next weekend was the Christmas Parade. We went to that with Eileen's BFF Sydney. There was an unusually large number of garbage trucks in said parade.
Now.. its been years since I went to a Christmas Parade. Is that the norm these days? Garbage Trucks, decorated with lights and garland? To be part of the proecession? Or is that just here in the Hills of East Tennessee? Weird right!? there was, of course, the expected bands, cheerleaders, boy and girl scouts. There was - as Lani and I dubbed him- The Elf. He was actually the possibly intoxicated college kid who managed to umm... march.. behind all of the school bands. Certainly marching to his own beat. and hilarious to watch. There were several church groups with "Jesus is the Reason" message. Which is all good. And there was the one church group with said message.. and um.. a guy walking with the Cross. Umm. I get it. Jesus. Yes - we should certainly remember He is the reason, lest we get too caught up in the commercialism. But with the cross? Really? That goes with a different holiday. right? Try to explain to a 3year old why that man has that large Cross and why there is a cheerleader in front of him and an elf behind him! ANYWAY.
We went to a 'kid family' party at Kali's house. On the one hand, I still sometimes find myself in awe that I have a kid and am at a party where my kid is running around with all the other kids. All the girls in their Christmas dresses and boys in their little sweaters and courdoroys. I mean, wasn't it just yesterday that me and Sissy were those kids? How am I now the mom??? It was such fun tho. So fun to watch the kids run aroudn together. OH, and I do mean run. Remember that post just below this one? Where Eileen and Syd just ran around our coffee table? Yeah. Eileen led the way of running around Kali's house in that fashion. Leading four other children to do the same. Oh Lawsy.
Lest you have any doubt. Eileen is all ME. most girly tomboy on the planet. For Kali's party, she insisted on wearing (one) of her Christmas dresses. Along with her fuschia leggings and pink sparkle shoes. And her jewelry. And scarf. It was some serious costume/princess jewelry. and mommy's old purple scarf. So.. yes.. my precious little lady did very much resemble a Street Walker. in that cute innocent way. (dont be jealous of my Mother of the Year status). I did feel better to see that Kali had also insisted upon earrings. And as she had none, her mommy and daddy improvised by coloring red dots on her ear lobes. We do what we have to do.. right?!
Later that week was her school party. Which fell on Pajama Day. So she marched off to school in her Princess Flannels (i mean really, what else would you have expected?!) and sparkle shoes. They watched movies and ate popcorn. Meanwhile, Mommy had HER department lunch downtown. When it was over, I flew back to work, got my car. Flew to Eileen's Christmas party. Hilarious. Those kids could make Scrooge himself laugh. And oh those teachers are magical. They somehow manage to get all those 3year olds to line up in their assigned spots. And to stay quiet. And to wait their turn to get their presents. And to eat their food. I watch in wonder. Wondering what drug it is that they must pump through the air vents to have such well-behaved toddlers. I can promise that behavior is rarely repeated at home! And THEN she and I flew to my other work party, which was bowling. And oh yes, she stayed in the flannels and sparkle shoes. And was the Star of the Party. Its too bad she's so shy and hates attention. yeah.. right. We did not actually bowl, she instead ran around attempting to bust into the bowling alley kitchen, climbing all over Miss Johanna, getting rides on Mr. Rick's shoulders, grinning ear to ear for Mr. Tim's camera, and hamming it up with Uncle Dave.
Then she and Daddy went to Sneedville to spend the weekend with Grandma. And they had snow. Lots and lots and lots of snow. She got to spend Fridat at Grandma's library and playing with the Big Kids. and she got to eat in the cafeteria, also with the Big Kids. She does love Grandma's house. All sorts of fun stuff up there.
And then of course it was Christmas! She was bouncing off the walls yesterday. She could not WAIT to go to church- all becuase she was d y i n g to put on her other Christmas dress from Beanie. She wanted to put it on as soon as she got out of bed. I somehow convinced her to wait until it was time to go to church to wear it, so she didn't get it messed up. So then we let her open one present before church.. and it was of course her doll from Beanie. Which, of course, had on the very same dress as Eileen! She was fascinated by that. She promptly named the doll "eileen" and she went to Mass with us. We managed to get there early enough to get seat in the actual church.. but it was pure mayhem. So we walked over to the Parish Hall.. obviously not as pretty as the Church.. but a tad more kid friendly, and we got front row seats. And the little girl next to us had on teh very same dress, along with her stuffed dog in IT's own matching dress. Hilarious. And mommy was super excited to have the owner of the Irish Times sitting on the same ailse as us. :)
Aunt Sissy came to spend the night since Uncle David had to work. That was loads of fun. We managed to get Eileen to bed at the normal time.. and then we three got all the loot ready. Josh had to put together the Sit-n-Spin and the kitchen. I managed to assemble the Hungry Hippos and the Little People Amusement park. :)
And then bright and early at 6am.. "MOMMA! DADDA! COME GET ME!" (oh.. um.. we'd locked her into her room so she couldn't get out before us. Again.. mother of the year..). She was actually a little overwhelmed... there wasn't that "wow" moment. Maybe she's still too young? She sat in my lap for a good 10 minutes just not sure what to do. Not to fret.. once she warmed up, she was a force. Playing and digging and unwrapping. Fascinated by all the goodies. And then Uncle David came over with her new wagon and that was a hit. Actually, Uncle David himself was a hit. She was so very excited to see him. That was precious to watch.
And now here we are on Christmas afternoon. it started out warm and now is windy and cold. We've napped, rearranged the bonus room (to make room for toys), watched movies and now Josh is switching the refrigerator door! (a little odd for Christmas Day yes.. but then again.. if one finds some free time.. well. you do what you gotta do, right?!)
its been a blast this year. I'm sad to see it end.. but there's a small part of me ready to return to normalcy. I already know the start of the year is a busy one at work. I've got training for another race starting tomorrow (I know.. I hear you all muttering that I'm nuts...). So I have one more week off of work, and I intend to make the most of not working. :)
Merry Christmas to All. and a Happy New Year to come..
1 comment:
I will try to send you those photos you spoke of this week
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