I do love Fall, but I am a girl of Summer. Light in the morning.. light well into the evening. Warm. Ahhh warm. Long lazy days. Tans. Grills. Pools. Beaches. ahhh... mainly, the bright warmth.
I dread its departure.
Because for all of the fantastic things that come along with Fall.. Football.. pumpkins.. World Series.. crisp air.. candied apples.. cozy sweaters..witches.. mums... marathons.. all those perfectly fun things are followed by winter. .Cold gray winter. We do not get along so well.But I digress.
Today started out almost chilly. And there was almost no humidity. Which, to be honest.. a day with no humidity in AUGUST in TENNESSEE is somewhat disturbing. But so very enjoyable. It warmed up as the sun came out. Felt more summery. We ran errands and did chores. We went to the park in the late afternoon.
And the shadows were long. And there was a breeze. And it felt like Fall. Except there was that undeniable Song of Summer.. the bugs.. those "Back to School bugs"... I missed them so much when we lived in New York. Tonight its like they were screaming to be heard and noticed.. as if to tell us that in just a couple of more weeks they'll be gone... so be sure to hear them and enjoy them. And then I came home and had a Sam Adams Octoberfest.. and it felt again like Fall. So you see, today has me all over the Seasonal Map!

And with Fall, of course... comes School. Eileen starts her new class tomorrow - PreSchool 1. How in the world is she old enough for a level called "PreSchool?!" She'll move up with all her friends, and be doing even more Big Girl things. She already writes some of her letters and can recognize them all by sight. She memorizes her books.. word for word. Mind boggling. Her school is amazing, I don't know where we'd be without those teachers. We love that place.
Her imagination is unreal. The things that come out of her mouth have us hee-hawing. For instance.. last night I gave her a mani/pedi. I was taking off her old polish, and she pointed to her toe. "Look at that!" she said.

"What?" said me
"That toe! it's GORGEOUS"
I died. "What?!" i said.
"Gorgeous! its gorgeous!"
I asked how she knew that word and where she'd learned it.
"Grandma." she said matter of factly.
So who knows if there is truth to that.. because then conversations like this morning happen...
I got her out of bed. She showed me two of her fingernails void of polish.
"These two aren't pretty!" she said.
"You're right. We'll fix them! what happened?" I asked.
"Daddy did it."
Now, let me fill you in. I painted her fingernails and toes, and then our babysitter arrived. And we left. Daddy never touched her fingers. Most likely the polish came off in the tubby. So I knew that little story was a fabrication! Her little mind spins constantly.
So I find myself constantly wondering what is true and what isnt. She'd have me believe they eat cake and ice cream and popcorn every day if I were any more gullible.
Luckily, I'm not.
I am, however, tired.
So.. I'm signing off. Swearing to try to get back to better blogging.
Happy Sunday.
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