Monday, February 19, 2007

where's daddy!?

Poor Josh. He's always taking the pictures. We need to get him in more of them!

These are just more pics from this weekend. I couldn't fit them all on one posting.

She's loving reading books right now.. Aunt Sissy & Uncle David read her the Good Pupppy book. It has furry pages and floppy ears to go along with the story.
And Aunt Sissy got in some arm-toning exercises. Let me tell you, do this move more than four times and you will feel the burn. We haven't weighed her lately, but she must be over the 16lb mark.

And here she is with her new bouncer/activity center from Beanie and Grandpa. She hasn't yet figured out that she can bounce herself up and down - when she does she's going to go bonkers. In the meantime- she LOVES this sunflower. It doesn't do anything. No flashing lights. No music. It is just there, and she stares at it endlessly. Poor Grandpa - he attempted to swirl her around to show her the little piano. OH! she would have none of it! She got so mad at being taken away from her flower! Cried and yelled at the top of her lungs! Even at just 5mos, this one knows what she wants. It's cute now, but in a few months I can see it being quite the challenge...

read the posting below for other weekend tidbits and pictures! Posted by Picasa

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