Whew. We're home! This will be a short posting. I'm at work - even tho I was only out two days, AND I kept up with emails while gone- I am still catching up to a load of stuff. And there's so much to tell, and of course so many pictures, that the blog about the trip will just have to encompass several postings!
But I will say, it was a fantastic trip. Eileen was so good it bordered on freaky. I just keep waiting for the other foot to drop. She was amazing on the flights- no need for the Benadryl. On the last flight yesterday, she slept the whole time - even through the landing! She was good in the hotels, at the rehearsal dinner - which kept her out partying

We had a blast, loved getting to see so much of the family. Its fun to get to hang out with Cousins, Aunts, Uncles... we get to see them so little!
Here are a few of the (over 200!) shots we got while on the road...
Pooh chilling on the plane. Eileen fast asleep (with Pooh of course) smack in the middle of the king size bed in the hotel.
Grandpa & Josh in front of the Black Rose (also known as the main hangout of Boston Based IRA!) - not sure if you can really see Eileen's face, but it's hilarious.
Josh, Eileen & I on Aunt Sharon's balcony, which just happens to overlook the Boston skyline.

You can, of course, take a sneak peak at the pics at www.eileenloebner.shutterfly.com
Tune in for more later...

1 comment:
I looked at your pictures on shutterfly - those are great! Have you ever done a photo book with them? I did one for Ellie's birth (it's linked on my sidebar) and it came out great.I'm working on an on-going one for the summer. It's the only way I can get my pictures since I never print them out.
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