I found out last night that Uncle Dick had a stroke on Thursday...it seems like it was a mild one and he'll be OK.. but it's still so jarring to get that sort of news. Things like that aren't supposed to happen to the Uncle Dick's of the world. He's that ever cool, ever fun, always full of huge hugs Uncle. So our prayers are with him & Aunt Marcia, and here's hoping Uncle Dick gets to have a cold one sometime soon.
Here are some other pics from the weekend.. Josh with Eileen and his first ice cream of the season! And look at her sitting next to him on the couch like a big girl! He's blowing up ANOTHER new 'tub' for her. She's 8mos old and on her 4th tub! First there was the little baby tub- the one that is for newborns and sits on the counter. Then there was that reclining chair thing that sat in the adult tub. And then the seat that attached to the side of the tub. That one was retired over the weekend as Eileen's pot belly no longer allowed her to fit in it! And now, we have what is hopefully her last step towards a full-on tubby! this is actually a mini-pool made for the tub. It's rectangle and fits snugly inside the tub. So she can sit in it and play in the water, but still not really get anywhere. She's still not quite big enough to just sit in the tub - she floats away! (I know, you're thinking perhaps I should not put in so much water. But what's the fun in that?! ) And of course if you go to the link below you'll see updated pics and see her in the new tub! Oh, and that's her (naked!) doll she's holding in her lap. She loves that thing. Nana Janet gave it to her. It makes all sorts of noicse, and I think sometimes she thinks it is real. She hugs it all day.

And of course, the last one is her in her smashing bathing suit. Isn't she such a ham!?
Hope you all had a good long weekend.. now it's back to normal.. but at least it's summer!
see more pics at our shutterfly page!

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