Wednesday, January 10, 2007

teeth and ABCs....

Can you believe it?! Eileen is cutting her first teeth! She'll be 16 weeks tomorrow.. she's just about 3 1/2 mos.. seems so early. But Nana Janet tells me I cut my first teeth at about the same age, so I guess it's not so out there.

She not her usual happy-go-lucky self this week. I know she's tired - she is not napping very well at school, and she's due for a 'squishy diaper' - if you know what I mean- so between the lack of sleep, new teeth, and backed up pipes, I guess I can see why she's a bit grumpy. But even grumpy, the little munchkin is just so cute!

Now how's this for fun,... I blatantly stole it right off of Raven's blog.. "The ABC's of Me" - also known as a good brain break from work!

A - Available or taken: Taken! Been together 6 1/2 years.. sometimes it seems like so much longer than that, and other times it seems like it was just yesterday that we met.
B - Best friend: Sissy
C - Cake or pie: cupcakes! they're just so fun. yellow with chocolate icing. mmmm.
D - Drink of choice: depends on the time of day.. morning = COFFEE; evening = red wine
E- Essential item you use everyday: blow drier. whether it's curly or straight, this hair needs all the help it can get.
F - Favorite color: green. unless of course it's a little blue box.
G - Gummy bears or worms: neither. anything cinnamon. (did I spell that right?)
H - Hometown: Born in Walpole, MA.. but I guess Memphis counts as my hometown since that's where I grew up. But I still live for the Red Sox.
I - Indulgence: sleep
J- January or February: January. It's my birthday month!
K - Kids & names: Eileen, 16weeks.
L- Life is incomplete without: hugs. lots and lots of hugs.
M - Marriage date: May 8, 2004
N- Number of siblings: one, Sissy. OK, her name is Shannon, she'll be 30 in a few mos. But I pretty much only call her Sissy.
O - Oranges or apples: Apples. Small Royal Gala are the best.
P - Phobias or fears: Failure.
Q - Fave quote: Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. No clue who said it. I saw it on a WW chat once. And since I'm working on shedding baby weight, it is my current mantra.
R - Reason to smile: Eileen and Gracie. Actually, there are so many good things in my life, the list could go on and on. But babies and dogs are just to die for.
S- Season: SUMMER. I love heat.
T - Tag 3 people: Nicole, Kimmie, and Sissy.
U - Unknown fact about me: I can't stand Phil Collins. No idea why. He just makes my skin crawl. Isn't that odd?
V - Vegetable you don't like: Turnips and Collard Greens. Gross.
X – X-rays: too many to name. Mostly my feet and knees from all the running.
Y - Your fave food:
Z - Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

There, now wasn't that just fun?

1 comment:

Raven said...

I love it! Too fun. And NO, I cannot believe Eileen is cutting teeth! Could have a little something to do with why she's feeling cranky - poor baby!!