-taste of birthday cake
-St. Patrick's Day
What a weekend! What a month!
On Saturday we went to MK's birthday party. She turned 2. She's hilarious. I can't believe that in a short time Eileen will be running around and driving a little Jeep like MK! Hard to fathom how much she'll change in such a short period of time.

At one point, Raven (MK's mom) was holding Eileen. MK came running over - she would have none of her Mommy's attention being given to another baby! and then the cutest thing ever, Eileen reached over and put her little hand around MK's neck. Too cute. A little girl hug.

WHEW. I am glad to have made it this far into March. Work has really been a whirlwind of activity. We had our live show with 200 member studio audience on Sunday night. It went off without a hitch, and was actually pretty fun. A lot of work. A lot of frantic frantic days. But that feeling of accomplishment and being part of a team when it's all said and done is just good. Of course, over the past 10 days I have not done my regular job at all. My focus was solely on the show. So now I am back here and trying to catch back up and get three new people hired. So, while the show is over and the frenetic pace has slowed, I am still not in any position to be having a slow day! But hey, I guess the Working Weight Loss Plan will continue as eating has taken a backseat to work. (ok- now lest anyone out there worry that I might be having any issues, you all know I am exaggerating. You all know I love food and would not actually completely stop eating.)
Speaking of eating. Eileen finally seems to have grasped the swallow concept. We started the baby food right after her 4month appt. She has her 6month appt this week. It has just been in the last few days that she eagerly takes the spoon of food and then swallows it. She does still play with it on her tongue - but now she only does that when she's full. Hind sight is 20/20. She just wasn't ready at 4, even 5, mos for food. She's a big fan of the oranges.. the carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. Hates peas. But she loves the oranges enough that I can sneak some peas or green beans in and she still eats it. So at least she's getting some green veggies. And the bananas and applesauce usually make her cereal pretty appealing. Next we'll tackle mashed up meats and Zwieback cookies.. but I think I'll wait at least another month for that.
And she rolls over regularly now. She can scoot herself around on a blanket with impressive dexterity. In just a week, her sitting skills have improved 100%. I can now put her down - she still slouches- not quite strong enough to hold herself up straight- but she can stay upright for the duration. Amazing at how fast she all of a sudden can just do stuff.
And amazing how fast her personality is just coming out. I mentioned the whining earlier. She also already has a little temper. She LOVES LOVES LOVES Gracie. Over the weekend, Gracie was hanging out next to Eileen (who was in her little jumper thing). Well, Gracie decided to get up and walk away. Eileen got M A D. Starting crying and stomping those little feet! I, of course, had to laugh.
OK- I think I've caught you all up. Sorry it's been so long.
Time is flying by too fast! I can't even believe what a big girl she is. Can't wait to see her (and you guys too!).
I'm so glad the show went so well for you guys! That photo of the little girl hug is ADORABLE. Must have it.
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