So, since I haven't blogged in a week, I decided I'd check in and update our goings on.. and for fun I dug up some old pics. Always amazes me to see how different she's looked over the past ten mos. Yup. She'll be 10mos old on Saturday.
We have actually had a pretty quiet week/weekend. Mommy and Daddy actually had a date on Saturday night! Aunt Sissy and Uncle David came over. Josh and I headed out to see Harry Potter - I completely loved it. This one and the first movie are my favorites. The new book comes out Saturday - can't wait! Eileen was very good for her Aunt and Uncle until it was time for bed. According to Aunt Sissy, Eileen became the devil child ! She screamed and kicked and just majorly protested the fact that Mommy was not there to put her to bed. Eventually Sissy just put her in teh crib and let her cry it out. We need to get out more often so she can be OK with babysistters putting her down!

We hit Babies R Us on Saturday. It's the hot spot in town! We ran into three people we knew. We were there getting some babyproofing stuff. Yep, it's that time! She's still not full-on crawling, but the girl can scoot at the speed of light. And she knows how to open cabinets and drawers! So we picked up some of the little latches and the plug covers for our outlets. And we picked out the baby gates we'll have at the top and bottom of the stairs. We'll get those this week as we have a nice coupon that starts today! One of the folks we ran into was Owen's dad. Owen is Eileen's buddy at school. Owen is crawling- and standing- like a maniac! His dad was there buying another gate for their house so they can pen him in! It makes me see that there truly is a difference between boy energy levels and girl energy levels- Eileen is active, but not at all compared to Owen! Whew.
Not too much else to tell. It was a pretty quiet weekend.. we just hung out and ran errands and cleaned house.
We'll try to have some excitement in our lives so we have more to write about. I'll at the very least get myself some batteries so I can take pictures!

1 comment:
hi, friend! i've been MIA for a while...had a huge conference at work last weekend. I'm finally catching up. Look at your CUTIE! Hope to get up to Knoxville again soon to hang out. Miss you!
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