Now if you have looked at the pictures on this post before reading, you are probably wondering why there is a shot of a random cage here. That would be our next door neighbors pen for their PET IGUANA. Yes, our new neighbors have an iguana. I know very little about these animals. I have yet to see it, and don't exactly spend a lot of time looking for it.

She was driving past our house on Saturday afternoon (Eileen and I were shopping, and Josh was at Uncle Bobbys). She drove by and said to herself.. "I think there's an Iguana in Erin's driveway!" So she turned back around to doublecheck, and yes, there was a 4ft reptile there in our yard! Kristin, like me (and most normal suburbanites), knows nothing about these animals. So Doreen was outside, and Kristin got her to come over. The thing was at our front window, and they could see and hear Gracie going beserk inside the house. So then Doreen's husband and son come over. By now, the thing has climbed our wall, and then leapt onto our Japanese Maple (who knew it could climb walls)! They're all standing in our yard somewhat scared of it but also trying to coax it away. Doreen had brought over some lettuce (who knows what these things eat) and was trying to bribe it. Then Kristin's husband Jim came home. He joined the party! He managed to get the thing's house out of it's pen (one of those 'igloo' dog houses). Somehow, Jim and Doreen's husband and son all got the animal into it's house and back into it's pen. Thank Heaven we have such cool neighbors!

Eileen and I got home shortly after all the activity, and until yesterday we were clueless about it all!
The new neighbors are certainly nice enough. We see them outside a lot, so Josh is going to mention it to them. Perhpas they can invest in a sturdier lock. All the neigbors on our street have kids or dogs or both- I don't think any of us want a reptile wandering around!
Anyway.. that's my random story for the day.
We're off to the doctor this afternoon!

1 comment:
What a funny story! Her hair is getting so long - and is it getting lighter, too?? She is SO stinking adorable!
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