I was feeding her on Saturday night. If I am not shoveling the food into her mouth fast enough, she growls at me. No joke. So there we were, me shoveling and her growling. Grandpa was standing beside her giggling. Then, she sort of cuts her eyes over at him, grins this little devil grin, turns back to me and continues growling. As if it were an inside joke between she and Grandpa! Of course that sent all of us into hyeterics. And then I fended off a panic attack.. if she's this devious now, what will I do when she's two?!?!?
Anyway... it was a fun time. It was really nice to have a little mini break. I realized I had to relax. I couldn't go clean the bathroom or do laundry or weed the flowerbeds. We really got to play with Eileen a lot. And then Josh and I sat on the back deck with a cocktail, soaking up the sun and reading (I got through two months worth of Real Simple!) while little lady played her heart out with Grandpa and Beanie. We never get a chance to do that sort of thing at home. So even tho it was short, it was really refreshing.
We went out to lunch. Eileen was scared of the waiter at first, and by the end of the meal she was full on flirting. She got to meet Aunt Debbie for the first time. She loved her. Usually, if I am holding Eileen, she does not want to go to anyone else - not even Josh! She saw Aunt Debbie and practically jumped into her arms. It was too cute! So they played and played. Eileen could have cared less if we were around or not! Someday if Aunt Debbie ever moves to Knoxville she can be our nanny! :)
We also went to go see Jo, who is Eileen's great-grandmother. She lives in a cute little assited living facility. She had not yet gotten to meet Eileen, and she had a blast with her. Eileen was the hit in the living area- she was attracting the other residents like crazy. I think Jo was loving getting to show her off. Eileen just sat in Jo's lap and then just played with her toys, oblivious to all the people ooohing and aaahing over her.
I am sure there is more that I am forgetting. Of course I should have blogged this on Sunday night... and I actually started this on Monday night.. and now it is Wednesday afternoon and I am finishing.
:) When I remember any more little stories.. I'll be sure to share!

1 comment:
These photos make her look like such a big girl - I can't believe it! And so glad that you had a restful little vacation!!!
See you tonite!
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