Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday Monday....

I don't even know where to begin. This posting was actually started almost two weeks ago. The posting date shows as April 16. Today is actually April 26!!!! Since I started on the 16th, I have been so insanely busy that I have not had two seconds to get back here. I know, that probably just sounds ridiculous. I would never have believed that from someone else.

I can't even put into words the frenetic pace of work. I totally should not be doing this right now- but there comes a time when enouhg is enough and I am allowing myself five minutes to get a posting in!

These pictures are a couple of weeks old.. don't really remember if I had anything specific I was going to say about them!

note the old school Fisher Price rings Eileen's got in front of her.. she LOVES those things.. that grumpy expression you see onher face is what happens when she has to do tummy time and it's close to her bedtime! She'd had enough and wanted to be picked up. :)

See our new chairs?!?! Don't they look so adult? It's lovely to have matching chairs that don't feel like they will fall apart if you sneeze while sitting in them. Don't they look like they just belong to the table?! We have two more that are at our kitchen table, and they also looklike a perfect match. Thank You Uncle Sam.
Are these pink pants not just the c u t e s t thing? They came from a friend of mine. They even have a little green strap (you can see it on her left leg) that you can use to roll up and button the pants so they become little capris.

I'm pathetic. She's like my little barbie doll. I love dressing her in all these clothes!

And here she is in her Big Girl Seat. Note her little feet pushed up against the back seat! She has another 5 mos facing backwards like this, I hope she doesn't get too much longer! This seat stays in the car- and I thikn she likes it a lot. It has her raised up more and she can see more. She just stares out the window. We're going to attempt our first road trip in a few weeks.. that should be interesting. We'll see how much she likes the chair then!

OK.. that's it for now.. I'll make another quick posting with some more new pics,... and then it's back to work!
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1 comment:

Raven said...

Oh! She looks just PRECIOUS in her little pants. Of course, I had to go back & find a photo of MK wearing them... and yes, I got a little nostalgic. Time goes so fast!!!