I don't have my camera here so I don't have any new pictures to post (tho there are some still on the camera at home!).
Turns out she LOVES carrots! Now I can't get her to eat the bananas. But she's eating them with a vengeance, so for now I'lllet her feast on the carrots. Tho, I am pretty sure I remember Miles turning orange from too many carrots.... so much to think about with these carrots! :)
We had a good weekend.. it was fairly quiet.
The three of us all finally seem to be almost healthy. I am on my third round of antibiotics for the sinus infection that will not die. Josh is on antibiotics for an eye infection. And on Satureday we took Eileen back to her doctor b.c the clogged tear duct was still pretty bad - so now they think maybe she has some sort of sinus infection! So she started her antibiotics on Saturday. It's orange flavored liquid and she seems to like it. And her eye seems to be sorting itself out.
We ran some errands, went to church, went to dinner at a cute little pizza place. Eileen slept thru most of the meal and then woke up and just hung out. (well, she started to cry when shewoke up in her carrier in a strange place, but as soon as I picked her up she was fine). I think we really are lucky, she just goes with the flow and shows off her teeth when she smiles that giant smile. May she always be so relaxed.
Aunt Sissy and Uncle David came over for pancakes and bacon on Sunday morning. Eileen was all giggly and very excited to see them.
It's amazing how much she is learning every day. Over the weekend she fell in love with Gracie. It's so cute. Whenever Gracie walks into the room, Eileen is mesmerized. And then she just giggles. And she reaches for the dog! She pets her and Gracie just sits patiently and wags her tail. Then Gracie usually licks Eileen's face.. and Eileen generally has her tongue sticking out.. so I try to limit that germ exchange. But I am sure in the coming months Eileen will get herself into much ickier situations.
She also is now reaching for her bottle and US! One night late last week we were in her room rocking and she spotted an empty bottle. Stuck out her hand towards it and yelled for it! We made her a new one and she sucked it down. She was telling us she was hungry. :)
The best tho is when she sticks her hands up in the air for us to pick her up. So sweet. And then she puts her little hands on your cheeks and just stares at your face. So so cute.
Still not sitting up on her own, but close. She is always trying.
Guess that's about it.. I'll try to get some new pics up tonight!
I can't believe how much she's grown!
Must. See. Soon.
I can't believe I'll have a little Elieen here soon! The blog book I found is at:
But if you do a search for "turn your blog into a book" on yahoo or google, you'll find a few. The blurb books look nice. I haven't downloaded the software yet so I don't know how hard it us to use... may be a good project for when I'm home with Ellie this summer.
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