The Gators just kept getting away from him.
He stayed one more year (even tho he got his degree in three) and still wasn't able to get that elusive NCAA title.
Finally, last night, our boy got his due.
He's got a laundry list of records and accomplishments. He's got some pretty funny national ad campaigns. He's actually a decent role model. And now he's got that Super Bowl ring.
I know, if you didn't go to UT during the Peyton Years or haven't lived in this town that bleeds Orange, you probably think it's weird that I am posting an entry about a football player I don't even know! (actually - I did meet him a loong time ago.. I got to interview him when I was an intern and he was in his 3rd season here- but I'm betting he doesn't remember me- ha!)
I think those of us here in Knoxvegas were just as stoked as those in Indianapolis! Even at the gym this morning the little old biddies in the locker room were talking about Peyton.
OK, and now on to the things you REALLY want to talk about:
1) the commercials
2) Katie Couric's hair.
Let's talk about #2 first.
Why on earth was she even there? She's not a sports person. at all. She sat at the desk during pregame with Shannon Sharpe and gang looking ridiculously out of place. Never mind that the story she did was about a player from LAST YEAR'S Super Bowl team (to give credit: it was a heartwarming story about Hines Ward. But he plays for the Steelers. Not the Colts or the Bears). She normally wears her hair in her sleek yet perky bob. Professional enough to be the face of CBS News. Yet last night, someone attempted to make her look like one of the young, hip, sideline women sportscasters with long wavy hair. Key word: long. If you want to wear your hair in chunky waves, it needs some length. Katie's hair just looked like it was sticking out in many directions. Why do I care? Why am I devoting all this time to it? I really have no idea. It has just been bugging me. I wish I could find a picture for you.
OK, back to the commercials.
Was it me, or was an insane amount of time spent on CBS self-promotion?
Full disclosure: I worked a couple of years at CBS Network (yes, the big one in NYC, not an afiliate) in the promotion dept. I know what goes into building promos and promoting the network.
But there were one too many last night. Then again, maybe it was because of the lack of decent paid commercials to put on the air. The Bud Light ones were funny. Gorillas were the best. And the completely random Robert Goullet (sp?) one for Emerald Nuts was pretty funny. That weird weird robot one for Garmin industries was horrid. That music about put me over the edge. And what about that GoDaddy.com nonsense? Oprah & David Letterman were funny. The 'homemade' Doritos one was pretty good. The Chevy campaign was somewhat amusing, but did I want to run out and buy a Chevy? umm. no. now, the Toyota Tundra ads were somewhat fascinating. I have no idea how they did those. I don't want to run out and buy that car either, but still impressive. The Snickers ad? disturbing. Not because of the men sharing the candy bar, but because of the way the first guy ATE the candy bar. Who eats a candy bar like that? gross.
I could go on and on. But I do have things to do.
For those of you checking in on Eileen.. she's just great! She watched part of the game with us last night. She loves football. :) Just like her momma!
Happy Monday.
woohoo!! Go PEYTON and go COLTS! :) i was very happy to see our boy win the BIG ONE~
I too am glad that Peyton got his Superbowl win! He well deserves it for his many years of working to make himself a better player and for the outstnding job he did last night.
I have no comment about KC - she doesn't exist!!
I enjoyed most of the commercials, but was disturbed by the consistent presentation and use of mild to more-than-necessary violence!
Erin - because you are too young, you may not realize that the monsters in the Garmin commercial were modeled after the "Godzilla vs. Whatever Monster" movies of the 60's - I thought they were funny, (the music in those movies was lousy too!).
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