She'll still be in the same class at school, same teachers and everything. She's just moving to the older side of the room (with the 5-7month olds). A new baby is coming into the little baby side, so she's getting moved up to make room.
She rolled over yesterday. Josh put her down to do tummy time and she just rolled over onto her back! I am betting she's been doing it at school for a few days but they just didn't tell us so we'd think when we saw it it was the first time. I really don't care if her first time is at home or at school, just so long as I get to see it!

oh, and the tubby! I've still been using the infant tub we borrowed from Miles. Seeing as how Eileen is now bigger than the tub we decided we should get something else. We got this tub-seat thing. I can put her in the big people tub and sit her in the chair so she can't go anywhere. I think she's going to love splashing around in there! I'll use it tonight for the first time. Hope it goes well!

I'm actually at home this morning. Not feeling so goood at all. I sent Eileen to school, went into work for an hour or so, and now am home. I'm going to sleep for a while, then go to the doctor. Then I'll get Eileen and we'll hang out. If I have the energy I'll make the teacher's cookies this afternoon. I'll make sure not to cough all over them. :)

Check out shutterfly for some updated Eileen pictures! (well, give me some time- I may not get them posted until later today!).

look how big she is getting!! i SO hope i get to meet this child in person before she is walking~ time is flying.
hope you are feeling better. i've already had two cold/sinus attacks so that better be it for me.
Precious, precious photos!!! Hope you're feeling better!
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