She got her shots- screamed while that happened but as soon as I picked her up she was smiling again. Whew. Hopefully that becomes the norm.
Doctor says we can start to give her cereal, and once she's used to that, we can move on to baby food. Here's hoping the solids fill up her tummy and she sleeps thru the night - she's almost to that point. Perhaps a full tummy will help us cross over.

We still can't really figure out what color her eyes and hair are. Most times her eyes are deep gray (think Martina McBride), and other times they are greenish brown like mine. Some days her hair is light brown, and other days it is downright red!

OK- time to go. American Idol is on, and they are showing the tryouts from my hometown of Memphis! How hilarious would it be if I saw someone on here that I know? (except most people I know these days probably exceed the age group for people allowed to compete). Hopefully there won't be TOO many freakshows to embarrass the town....

updated pics: www.eileenloebner.shutterfly.com
oh my goodness. i just want to shmoosh her cheeks! i've got to come and see your cutie soon. i better hurry. :)
I just can't believe how big she's getting! And cuter every second. I've got to see her again SOON!
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